Sunday, December 27, 2009

Something To Be Ashamed Of !!!

Here's something that really bugs the heck out of me and is something that NEVER needs to happen.

Christmas Eve my husband was in Pocomoke doing some last minute errands and called me from his cell phone to tell me about the horrible shape an American flag was in as it flew outside of one of the newer shopping areas.

Later in the day as we drove to dinner at a relatives home we rode by so I could take some pictures. Here is where it is and what I found......................

Now, I don't know who owns this small strip of stores and I don't really care. I do not know who works in any of these businesses. But what I DO know is that all of you are a bunch of creeps and uncaring citizens of the United States of America to allow the flag of this country to become this raveled and torn. Not to mention the fact that you don't appreciate where you live to even look at it to see if it is there or to care about it's condition! Shame on everyone of you. I have never shopped or stopped into either of those businesses and don't care to now at all.

If anyone knows who owns this area please let me know so that I may contact them to have it removed! As far as I am concerned if you don't care about the shape of your flag you can't possibly care about too much of anything.


  1. Anonymous11:36:00 AM


  2. the flag has been removed

  3. That's wonderful! I was waiting until the holidays were over.



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