Monday, December 21, 2009

Teacher Fired for Offering to Pray for Sick Pupil

Yet another indication of how bad it has gotten for the canary in the coalmine of moonbattery, Britain:

A Christian teacher fears she may never work again after she was sacked for offering to pray for a sick pupil.
Olive Jones, 54, said she had been made to feel like a criminal, and claimed that Christians were being persecuted due to 'political correctness'.
Mrs Jones, who taught children not well enough to attend school, said that after she raised the topic of prayer during a visit to a 12-year-old's house, the girl's mother lodged a complaint.
Just hours later, said Mrs Jones, her boss told her she would no longer be working for Oak Hill Short Stay School and Tuition Service, in Nailsea, Somerset.
She said managers had ruled her comments could be perceived as 'bullying'.

Liberals, accusing the Christians they oppress of bullying. At least they have a sense of humor — unless they are wall-bangingly insane enough to be on the level.

Closer to home, here's the story of a teacher who knows how to keep her job:

A third grader was told by a teacher at her New Jersey elementary school that the Bible was not appropriate reading material for quiet time, reported.
The teacher at Madison Park Elementary School in Old Bridge, N.J., ordered the girl, Mariah, to put away her Bible.
Michelle Jordat, Mariah's mother, said her daughter was upset and confused by the incident, reported.

No need to be confused, it's simple. The State will allow no gods before moonbattery.


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