Saturday, December 26, 2009

Twas the Night Before Christmas and not a Creature was Stirring Except Blink the Rat…

And the plot thickens….

So Blink may really be Shannon Stoy who creates her own storyline to further her own financial interests, which is none other than her own Public Relations and Communications company.

She is basically a modern day P.T. Barnum “who was remembered for promoting celebrated hoaxes.”

Well at least now we know why she outed Todd Black – he was a direct competitor to her and she was probably jealous he had inserted himself directly into her dream case.

It would really be interesting to know what her financial arrangement is with Internet News Network, LLC the owner of (psyche – no PR Google backlinks for that site).

But back to Internet News Network and the entity who so gratuitously set up Blink’s solo site after apparently luring her away from

So basically, Ms. Stoy is just another Merchant in Misery who profits off of other people’s misfortune; a real life Crime Profiteer if you will.

But to profit, she must create stories where there are none; so as to hype her site, which I assume Internet News Network pays her to maintain. I mean, it costs me a total of $100 a year to maintain both my sites ad free (my hosting company is Arvixe – a really great web hosting company by the way).

So this explains the obnoxious advertisements everywhere on all those affiliated sites and the stat checkers at the bottom of all their hideously designed sites. (I mean crikey, haven’t you mentally challenged people over at Internet News Network heard of Google Analytics?)

So basically, ScaredMonkeys, Blink, and Co. are nothing more than ad based Merchants in Misery. The more visitors they draw the more ad revenue they get I presume. And Blink with her over-hyped and sensational stories must have been the main reason Internet News Network lured her over to ScaredMonkeys from WebSleuths in the first place – to drum up business. (WebSleuths is a much better forum, more well intentioned, and much better off without her I must say.)

UPDATE: I was informed by credible sources that Blink actually got the Boot from WebSleuths because of her sensational and inflammatory postings. Blink, Blink, got flushed down the sink… LOL!

But I must go now, and dig up some more dirt; and I will have more…

For now though, this post will just be a work in progress where I will think out loud about Blink, very loud.

I’m coming Ms. Stoy, I am coming…

But first Baez…


Read Richard Hornsby Blog HERE

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:18:00 PM

    Poor Blink is not happy!

    So please fill us in on Luke ,blink,Ginette and those sisters.


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