Thursday, January 28, 2010

‘Animals Dying’: Man Sets Himself on Fire Outside Portland Fur Store

Soooo? Liberals really do smoke.

PORTLAND, Ore. - A man set himself on fire after pouring gasoline on himself outside Nicholas Ungar Furs at 12th and Yamhill Wednesday morning before police used a fire extinguisher to put out the flames.

It was not immediately clear whether the man was protesting against the store, which has had problem with animal rights activists in the past, but witnesses said he was screaming about the treatment of animals.

“There are animals dying! Animals dying!” witnesses said the man was screaming as flames engulfed his body and shot above his head.

“He tried to run into the building,” said witness Mike Cheema who owns a food cart a few feet from where the incident occurred. “The door was locked. He couldn’t get in. He came right out screaming, ‘the world is ending, animals dying!’”

“I looked over … flames, burning. I thought he was crazy,” said another witness L.C. “It was traumatizing. It was horrible.”

“I saw a guy that was running around with his arms waving, and he was completely on fire,” said Julie Sies who was walking to a dentist appointment at the time. “He was just screaming and asking for help.”

Witnesses gave different accounts of the path the man took while he was on fire. The fire blackened the sidewalk and charred remains were scattered about the area, including what appeared to be a footprint.

The man was taken to Legacy Emanuel Hospital and authorities said he was in critical condition. His name has not been released.

No one at Nicholas Ungar Furs wanted to comment on the incident.


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