Sunday, January 24, 2010

Are Our Children Safe? Predators Amongst Us?

Over the past few years, there has been a disturbing increase of people in authority becoming g involved is sexual abuse of minors and young adults. What is happening to our society when we can no longer trust our teachers, our police officers, our attorneys, our religious leaders, and sometimes our own family?

This is a hot topic right now and one that deserves discussion. Yet, in a curious move, our hometown newspaper is looking to dissuade discussion of the topic by censoring and deleting comments. This needs to be discussed out in the open, not shunned like some oddball relative.

Cifala And the 16 Year Old

Most recently, Anne Arundel County police Lieutenant James Cifala has been charged with the possession of child pornography by federal authorities. It appears that Cifala, 47, married, and a 27 year police veteran, has had an ongoing sexual relationship with a 16 year old girl. While the relationship is not “illegal” it is certainly immoral; and federal prosecutors know that–hence the charge of child pornography. Cifala and his wife, own the Rita’s Water Ice franchise on Mayo Road. While little is known about the girl, one has to wonder if she worked for Cifala. One also has to wonder how Cifala could be so naive as to take photos of himself on his cell phone and include distinctive furnishings from his home in the background.

Did this girl have something to do with this? Absolutely. But having an affair with an older person is not a crime in Maryland. Did she realize what she was doing was illegal? Probably not? Will she be charged? And the question also needs to be asked, how many other people knew about this long going affair and kept their mouths shut? The County police department has been known to be a tight knit community and have protected their members in the past. Did this happen this time?

Sex For Drugs

The Capital also reported on a local attorney, Jeff Marcalus, who traded a Vicodin (drug) for a sex act. Sleazy attorneys are nothing new, but this seems a bit over the line. However, it is not a unique situation. I have heard (and cannot personally confirm) that another local attorney Oprah. But there was a controversy surrounding this case and several other officers were disciplined for their knowledge of the incidents and their failure to report them. I am all for having a friend’s “back”, but at what point does it go too far?

Safe At Home?

Read More HERE

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