Friday, January 1, 2010

It was a Uszi New Year in Pocomoke

As the New Year rang in, living in the heart of drug central the Mac-9's and Uzis rang in the New year for Pocomoke city.

At midnight on 2009, bringing in the New Year of 2010 the sound of automatic weapons rang in the new Year. There's no mistake in the sound of of an Uzi or Mac-9 and that's what greeted my New Year.

There was a sound of a distance firecracker and and single-shot weapons but the automatics were the dominating force bringing in the year 2010 in Pocomoke city.

It was the sound of many, all coming from the area between Laurel st and Webs market where I know a fellow that lost a bet that at least 6 drug dealers would wave his truck down, and the bet was lost because the dealers that tried to stop him on 4th street totaled over 8 between Webs and Laurel.

I'll be out with my video cam in 2010 (just a heads up PCPD)

It's time we clean-up around here (again)


  1. Anonymous3:01:00 PM

    Uzis and Macs-good grief.

    I bet these nuts don't have a pot to take a leak in and we're supporting them and their offspring though our taxes, but they have automatic weapons.

  2. It's a shame you didn't have a hand granade to throw that far.

    Quiet here except for a few fireworks.....unless those were the uzis!!!!!

  3. Anonymous9:36:00 PM

    Wow! We fired off a few shots with the shot gun but...just wow!

  4. yup, fully automatic weapons were the sound that brought in the new year in the 'hood' at midnight.

    while our tax dollars feed and keep the "unemployed" healthy it leaves them plenty of mullah for nice weapons most of us can't afford.

    while they empty a clip of high dollar ammo over the skies of P.C. from their section-8 homes with the fridge full, some of us wonder if we can pay the bills in 2010 and what we have to eliminate for an extra slice of Bologna.

    It's the liberal American way.

  5. Anonymous6:17:00 PM

    Right Coast, I've been peeking in on your blog lately. I like it and am becomming a daily reader.

    PPE, are you even still able to possess automatics in Maryland?

  6. 6:17:00 PM

    RC does have a very nice blog and she puts a lot of work into it as one can tell.

    As for automatic weapons in Md? I have no idea if we are allowed to posses them, but as liberal as the state is, it's likely not.

    If I can remember I will check into it.

    Come to think of it, I do know that 'fully automatic' weapons are illegal in Md.

    Have you ever seen the requirements for a CCWP application in this state?

  7. Anonymous11:27:00 AM

    Oh yes, I've seen the application for the carry permit.

  8. I picked up an app a few years ago,

    Training, certifications, an astronomical price to just review the CCWP, and we must "prove" a "death threat"


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