Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Scott Rigell (R) announces candidacy for House seat

According to WAVY news 10, Founder of Freedom Automotive Scott Rigell announced Tuesday his intent run for the 2nd Congressional district of Virginia as a Republican.

At the campaign kick-off event, held at the Westin Hotel in Virginia Beach, Rigell spoke about issues such as energy, jobs and health care.

"At a time when one out of ten Americans are out of work and countless others are struggling to pay their bills, we need leaders who have the know-how and entrepreneurial spirit to create jobs in America again," said Rigell, who employs more than 240 people in his car dealerships.

Rigell said he's careful not to mix his business with politics, and is running against Democrat Glenn Nye whom he says won his Congressional seat on the coattails of Mark Warner and President Obama.

But it could prove challenging to Rigell. For his part, Nye has spent the past year crossing the district, and holding small business workshops to help the small business community. Political experts say Nye has spent the last year becoming the most conservative type Democrat you can be, and voted against his own party and his President on health care.

"People are interested in reforming the healthcare system, but they are interested in doing it in a way to increase access to health care but also to keep costs down. That is where this bill cost too much, and that why I voted no to that one," Nye said.

"There is a great need for accountability in Washington, and my campaign kick-off is the launch of a conversation with voters in Hampton Roads and the Eastern Shore on getting America back on track," said Rigell.

Other GOP candidates for the 2nd district seat:
Kenny Golden
Ben Loyola
Ed Maulbeck
Bert Mizusawa
Scott Taylor

Nye says this about his potential opponent, "Until they have decided who their candidate is I have to focus on my job...I have a lot of work to do for the district."

Source: WESR

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