Saturday, January 23, 2010

The WeekEnd Is Here! Let's Laugh!

A man in his late 40’s had to have his father put in a nursing home.

While his father was sitting on a bench in the dining area of the nursing home, he started to fall over to the left side and a nurse came over and helped him sit back up.

After a few minutes, he started to fall over to the right side and again the nurse came over and helped him sit back up.

A few days later, the son came to visit his father and he asked, "Dad how do you like it here? Are they treating you good?"

His father replied, "I like the food, the entertainment is very good. But, they won’t let me F_rt!"

Enjoy your weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:13:00 AM

    Keep on posting such themes. I love to read articles like this. Just add some pics :)


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