Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Corner Bakery In Onancock

I bet there was a wonderful aroma drifting around Onancock last Saturday. Come to think of it, soft warm donuts would have tasted wonderful with the day we all were experiencing. This is one place you need to visit!

Corner Bakery's 30th Anniversary a Success Despite Winter Storm

The Corner Bakery in Onancock celebrated its 30th Anniversary over the weekend despite the weather. Connie Smith of the Corner Bakery says they did not expect the turnout to be as well as it was.

"We think we sold almost 600 dozen doughnuts, we could not keep exact count because we just couldnt keep up," said Smith.

Smith said because of the heavy snow fall, they were not sure if anyone would show up. Still, Smith and her employees showed up as planned at 3:00 AM and began make doughnuts for the historic anniversary.

"We sold six days worth of doughnuts in 5 hours," added Smith. "Some people sat in line for a half hour of longer just to get to the counter."

As for the people who received "rain checks" from the Corner Bakery, Smith said they can come in at any time and still get the same deal that was offered for the 30th anniversary.

Smith said she would like to give a heartfelt thanks to not only the customers who braved the cold weather Saturday, but all the Corner Bakery customers over the past 30 years.


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