Friday, February 5, 2010

(( FREE)) Elect Mike Mcdermott Bumper Stickers ((FREE))

In a recent comment posted on the ((FREE)) Bumper Sticker ((FREE)) article a reader suggested that they would like to have "free" Mike McDermott for delegate bumper stickers and campaign yard signs.

I have been informed that if you contact Mike McDermott he will gladly provide bumper stickers
and other Mike McDermott for state delegate

For information on how you can obtain The Mike McDermott for state delegate campaign bumper stickers
and other materials contact Mike McDermott HERE

For other campaign information you can visit Mike McDermott's website by clicking HERE

Mike McDermott is running for Maryland legislative district 38BC


  1. Anonymous11:02:00 AM

    We really need to get behind Mike. I for one, haven't heard anything negative about him or his family, unless of course it was coming from, you know who. And we all know, you know who, has an ax to grind.

  2. Anonymous5:30:00 PM

    Maybe I've missed something somewhere but I haven't seen anywhere else except on this WMDT broadcast about Jim Mathias running for state Senator.


All comments are the sole responsibility of the poster