Friday, February 5, 2010

Prepare Your Vehicle For the Snow

A few little tips so you don't forget.

We are not used to such accumulation of the white stuff here on the Shore so here's a couple things to remember.

If you have a vehicle that the wiper blades will fold up and stand on their own (most do) fold them up while your vehicle is parked, that way you can scrape the windshield without the wipers stuck to the windshield in the morning and it's easier to clear the snow/ice.

NEVER turn your vehicle off before you turn off the wipers because when you go to restart your vehicle the wipers will try to run and may be stuck, even if you turn them off and they are not in the park position the wiper motor will still run and try to park the wipers and damage the wipers and/or the motor.

While the snow is still relatively wet and not much accumulation back your vehicle into your driveway as close to the surface street as possible. If you must park on the street remember the snow plows will plow a large bank of snow that may completely render your vehicle immovable.

If you must go out take some blankets, extra coat, gloves, shoes/boots and socks in case you get wet or happen to breakdown, when a vehicle is not running it's not heating and at some point any vehicle can and will breakdown.

Have a flashlight, water, and a cell phone, even if you do not have cell phone service calling 911 on a non-activated phone will still work.

And of course if you do not have to travel stay home where it's warm and safe.

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