Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Student to Student Ambassador Is Chincoteague Teen

Grace Warner of Chincoteague has been selected as a student ambassador for the People-to-People organization. Grace is an eighth grade student at the Chincoteague Combined School. She is the daughter of Glenn and Holly Warner and the granddaughter of Glenn and Carolle Aldinger of Chincoteague.

People-to-People was started by President Eisenhower in the 1950s. Its goal is to promote goodwill among the youth of different countries and cultures. The belief is, if the youth can find common grounds of cooperation, then when they are adults, they may bring peace to the world.

Grace will be going to France, Italy and Greece for 3 weeks in the summer of 2010. She will be meeting with local politicians and other government officials. She will also be staying in homes of local people with youth her age. She is one of 38 other young people going from the Virginia and North Carolina area. She is the only one from Accomack and Northampton Counties.

Grace needs to raise $6500 for the experience. To meet this expense, she has written letters to businesses and organizations asking for their support. She is also selling homemade baked goods and candy, as well as doing odd jobs. There will be an "All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner" at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Jenkins Bridge on February 27th to help raise money.

This is a wonderful opportunity for both Grace and the Eastern Shore. As an active participant in school, sports, and her church, she has a great opportunity to introduce the Eastern Shore to the people she meets in Europe.

If you would like any additional information or to support her goals, you can contact her at 757-336-1280 or 757-990-2075. Her address is Grace Warner, 7139 Margarets Lane, Chincoteague, VA 23336.

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