Sunday, March 7, 2010

Democrats Take Aim at Talk Radio

Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee, has launched an online site to help President Obama’s supporters infiltrate largely conservative talk radio.

Visitors to the On the Air site are provided with the call-in number of a talk show that discusses political topics, and the option to listen to the show live. They are urged to phone in when the topic of healthcare comes up. They can also click on a button to move to another show.

“The fate of health reform has been a focus of debate in living rooms and offices, on TV, and online — and on talk radio,” the introduction to the online tool states.

“And since millions of folks turn to talk radio as a trusted source of news and opinions, we need to make sure [Organizing for America] supporters are calling in with a pro-reform message.”

When Newsmax visited the On the Air site, the first link was to the syndicated show of Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

The site offers “calling tips” including, “Some hosts may challenge your views. Stay calm and firm. Sharing a personal story about how health reform affects you and your family is a great way to show the importance and urgency of health reform.”

It even provides “discussion points,” such as, “Too many in Washington are now saying that we should delay or give up on reform entirely, but Americans understand the stakes for our economy and our lives, and we want action.”

Organizing for America was launched by the DNC after Obama’s inauguration and seeks to mobilize supporters of his agenda.


1 comment:

  1. This is straight out of the "red book"... saturate."Organizing for America" is Obama's Socialist, Marxist avenue in which to obtain his goal.

    I hope people realize just how dangerous this administration is.


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