Saturday, March 27, 2010

Do You Support Obama's Health Care Plan?.

The poll results are listed below.
Special note: The poll results may include data for questions that were not included on the poll that you took.

The Government clearly (by the poll results) with over 100,000 analyzed went against the will of the people.

Vote in This Urgent Poll

Scroll down to vote.

one of America's leading online news services, is conducting an urgent national online poll about President Obama and the Democrat's plan for universal health care.

Newsmax will provide the results of this poll to major media outlets. Additionally, Newsmax's results will be shared with popular radio talk-show hosts across America.

Newsmax reports have been cited by major media outlets, including CNN, ABC News, Fox News, CBS, MSNBC and other major networks.

Don't miss this opportunity to let your voice be heard! Many media outlets and national leaders are interested in your opinion. Hundreds of media outlets have reported on Newsmax's online polls.

Vote today!

1) Do you support President Obama's and the Democrat's plan for universal health care?
2) Do you believe the Democratic health plan should include 45 million uninsured, including illegal aliens?
Yes, should include 45 million.
No, should not.
3) Do you approve of President Obama’s handling of health care reform?
4) Do you believe Obama’s health care plan is too expensive?
5) Do you agree that new health care costs should be paid for by increasing taxes on the "wealthy"?
Yes, increase taxes on the wealthy.
No, don't increase taxes.
6) If you were allowed to join the public health care system at rates cheaper than your private insurance, would you join it?
Yes, I would join.
No I would not join.
7) Who did you vote for in 2008?
* Required
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Or Go HERE to take the poll

Do You Support Obama's Health Care Plan? (105,324 Respondents)

Do you support President Obama's and the Democrat's plan for universal health care?
  • Yes
  • 27,960 (26.54%)

  • No
  • 77,385 (73.46%)

    Do you believe the Democratic health plan should include 45 million uninsured, including illegal aliens?
  • Yes, should include 45 million.
  • 20,335 (19.49%)

  • No, should not.
  • 83,981 (80.51%)

    Do you approve of President Obama�s handling of health care reform?
  • Yes
  • 27,045 (26.00%)

  • No
  • 76,983 (74.00%)

    Do you believe Obama�s health care plan is too expensive?
  • Yes
  • 78,351 (75.14%)

  • No
  • 25,926 (24.86%)

    Do you agree that new health care costs should be paid for by increasing taxes on the "wealthy"?
  • Yes, increase taxes on the wealthy.
  • 30,776 (29.61%)

  • No, don't increase taxes.
  • 73,167 (70.39%)

    If you were allowed to join the public health care system at rates cheaper than your private insurance, would you join it?
  • Yes, I would join.
  • 31,802 (30.69%)

  • No I would not join.
  • 71,807 (69.31%)

    Who did you vote for in 2008?
  • McCain
  • 57,234 (55.90%)

  • Obama
  • 29,249 (28.57%)

  • Other
  • 15,900 (15.53%)

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