Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Waking Up and Warming Up For Spring.......Finally!

What a beautiful day yesterday was and I found some sure signs that reassured me spring can't be far behind at all. Those snowy, blowing, frozen days of winter are meltling fast.

It's the beginning of POTATO SEASON for some farmers and for me. I love Eastern Shore red potatoes and and these guys know it!!

Always towards the end of February and into the first few days of March it becomes potato season and it's never too early for these guys. Early bird gets the worm, I suppose.........

And speaking about early birds............

I saw good ol' Robin red breast this morning. In fact I saw two of them hopping around in the front yard. I've always been told that when you see the Robins spring can't be far behind. Well, I never told my father that sometimes I had seen them in the cold, cold weather....... or maybe I just thought I had.

But along with the Robins come the other birds of the season. This morning I looked out and saw my favorite bird of all. The Blue Bird.

Now, I have had blue birds for years and they live in the houses I provide for them all year long and when the sun is warm they will emerge to stretch their wings.
I can tell by their chirp they are ready for the season.

So, like most of us today, the farmers are busy, I'm going to be busy outside and so are the birds. It's been a long, cold, dark winter.


At least give it a good try.

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