Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dead manatee found in Maryland's Patuxent River

Scientists at a Calvert County museum have found a dead manatee on the banks of the Patuxent River.

The manatee was found Monday by scientists from the Calvert Marine Museum. Dr. Cindy Driscoll, a veterinarian with Department of Natural Resources, says the manatee was too decomposed to determine the cause of death, but stress from cold water temperatures is suspected.

Driscoll says the manatee is believed to be the same one that was spotted in the Chesapeake last fall. Driscoll says residents who see live or dead manatees, other marine mammals or sea turtles are asked to call 1-800-628-9944.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:32:00 PM

    You know, manatees die of old age or other natural causes, just like humans. I'm sure someone will try to make a big deal out of this by claiming (a) the water was polluted, or (b) there was not enough vegetation for the poor thing to eat, caused by (a), or (c) the water was the wrong temperature, caused by the nearby Calvert Cliffs power plant, or (d) the water was radioactive, caused by (c), or (e) it was maimed by the propeller of a passing watercraft, or (f) it was mercilessly harassed by local humans, or (g,h,i,j...) pick any number of stupid reasons. Sometimes these animals just die.


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