Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kristen Is Home

Just wanted to let everyone know that Kristen Shockely is now at home with her family. Her mother has expressed her many, many thanks for everything that was done to keep Christine's face and name out into the communities.

Kristen may not realise this yet but she's lucky! There have been alot of mothers that have gone off (for whatever reason) and have never returned home. NEVER! EVER! Some of those mothers are murdered. Some of those mothers are drugged and put onto the street.

For whatever reasons Kristen left home on April 6th I hope she gets a good dose of reality and understands real quickly that mothers don't leave their children for any reason! They don't go off not thinking about the people left behind who lie awake at night not knowing. It's just natural for those waiting at home to worry that something horrible has happened. Mothers just don't up and leave, for any amount of time with no regard for the child left behind who may be missing its mother. There can NEVER be and are NO excuses.

Let's hope and pray that Kristen will get the help she needs and that she learns how to be a responsible adult and mother. Let's hope and pray that she learns that she truly is better than the scumbag that has abused her. There is NO future with a person like that and certainly NO future with the people that verbally abuse a person for trying to protect ones self from a menace in society. These kinds of people aren't even any good for their ownselves.

This just breaks my heart. How can a young woman with the red hair and freckled face that reminds one so much of the adorable Pippi Longstocking be in such turmoil?

Here's hoping that Kristen and her precious child with the help of family and friends will begin a new life that is filled with happiness and good decision making.


  1. Anonymous12:19:00 PM

    Please please Kristen, either find new friends or do without. The types you have been hanging with will only take you one way and that's down. You are way too cute to be mixed up with people who have no goals. You are attending college and have an adorable son.

    For the time being make school and work your friends. I know it's hard to understand that at your age but it will pay off.

  2. Anonymous8:39:00 PM

    So the girl goes missing and her mother is pissing and moaning because the police aren't acting fast enough. Then the girl shows up at home and the mother waits at least one whole day before telling the police that she is back home?


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