Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kristen Shockley Is STILL MISSING

All posts for today will go below this one. There is NO update on this situation. When there is you can believe we will post it. Kristen is still out there........

This young woman went missing on April 6, 2010. That was the last day her mother saw her.
Now, exactly TWO weeks later, it doesn't seem that anyone is truly doing anything actively about this.

Maybe the question should be asked "how long do you wait before law enforcement makes up it's mind to do something?" The mother that is looking for her daughter did the right thing by contacting the local police department in the CITY THAT HER DAUGHTER RESIDES.

Theresa tells me today that she thinks her daughter may very well be in the Baltimore/Washington area. Kristen's cell phone is no longer working. Either it has been turned off or tossed. I agree with her.

She has spoken to a detective but things still continue to move a little too much on the "slow" side. There just seems to be no rush even after two weeks of missing and two LONG, ANXIOUS weeks of being missed. Sadly, Kristen's mom told me today she just wants her daughter to come home and she wants her home to her just like she was when she left. Now, any of you being a parent knows exactly where she is coming from.

At what point does a missing adult go from "just gone off to party" and rise to the "better look for this person because the outcome might not be so great" with the law enforcement?

Kristen has a young son at home. He is the love of her life. Kristen was waiting for her mother to come get her in Baltimore but when she got there Kristen was gone. I call that odd. If Kristen called to come home once why has she not called again? Baltimore is a big place if you're from little ol' Pocomoke. There are churches and police stations, fire houses, homeless shelters all around that busy area of Baltimore where she could go for assistance and make another call home!

I don't think she's able to. And I hope for the sake of this family and this little infant son of Kristen's someone gets off their duff and starts doing something real quick.
Please continue to pray for this family. We will try to post any information we get from the family and keep you updated.

Kristen 1 CLICK HERE

Kristen 2 CLICK HERE

Kristen 3 CLICK HERE

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:37:00 PM

    Oh My, Kristen is so young. Does she have any connection to Baltimore or Washington that the mother knows of? Friends she could be with in those areas?
    This is very sad.


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