Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Beware Of Those Nasty Little Ticks

Tick Fever and Lime Disease Numbers on the Rise

Ticks and Lyme disease have been on the rise in recent years in Virginia and the Virginia Department of Health offers tips on how to avoid them both.

It's not just hikers and outdoor enthusiasts who have been taking advantage of the beautiful spring weather in Virginia, ticks are already out in full force, too, which means an increased risk of tick-borne diseases, with Lyme disease a top concern. David Gaines is with the Virginia Department of Health.
"Lyme disease is quite common in Virginia, it didn't used to be but it's becoming quite common, and I can't say how this year is going be as compared to any other year - but we had a cold winter, but there was a lot of snow cover and that provides an insulating layer."
Gaines says that if you plan to spend time outdoors, be sure to wear long clothing and tuck your pants into your socks. Cover yourself with insect spray that works for ticks. Check for ticks immediately and if you find one, remove it promptly with tweezers. In some cases, early symptoms of Lyme disease include a large circular rash at the site of the tick bite, accompanied by chills, fever, headache, fatigue, stiff neck, swollen glands, and joint pain.


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