Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mike Dean Inducted Into HALL OF FAME

Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Co. member, Mike Dean, inducted into the
Delamrva Vol. Fireman's Association

(L TO R) Corey Dean, (Son & Capt. of the PCVFC); Corey's wife Andrea; Darlene (Mike's wife); Mike; Gina Dean (one of Mike's Daughters)

Mike Dean began his service with the PCVFC in 1975. He has served many administrative offices, including - Secretary, Vice President & President. Line office duties consisted of Training Officer, Second LT., First LT., Captain, and Assistant Chief. Mike is currently the Company Chaplain.

Mike has received the "Fireman of the Year" award. The award is based on the nominee's involvement and accomplishments during the past company year. This includes exceptional and meritorious achievement, outstanding or superior performance worthy of public example and awareness of the company.

Mike advanced his training in the ambulance company and became a Cardiac Rescue Technician (CRT). In 1987, The Maryland Medical Examiner's Office solicited him to become a Forensic investigator for Worcester County. He has been serving his community and the county in that capacity ever since.

In 1997 Mike was hired by Holloway Funeral Home in Salisbury to manage the newly purchased Holloway Melson Funeral Home in Pocomoke City (now Holloway Funeral Home of Pocmoke City)

People that know Mike Dean trust and respect him. Whether he responds to their home driving a Mustang Convertible, fire truck, an ambulance, or a hearse, they feel confident in his ability to handle their need. Mike has committed every aspect of his life to serving the people of Pocomoke City.


~~~Certainly a wonderful family to be honored to know. Mike has worked so hard to achieve this goal and I'm sure he gave no thought to the honor as he went around the community doing the good deeds he has done for many, many years. I'm proud of you, Mike and thanks for always being there for me and my family.~~~

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:43:00 AM

    If anyone deserves honor and recognition it is certainly Mike Dean. I have known him since he was a teenager and he has donated his time and energy to making Pocomoke a better and safer community. Congratulations, Mike!


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