Saturday, May 29, 2010

Police report: Md. gov's daughter was found unconscious

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - The younger daughter of Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley was found unconscious near the Inner Harbor on Thursday evening, according to a police report released Friday.

O'Malley's wife, Baltimore District Judge Katie O'Malley, issued a statement Friday saying 18-year-old Tara O'Malley had attended a graduation celebration before she "became ill and received medical treatment." She called it a "teachable moment" and asked that the family's privacy be respected in the matter.

Shaun Adamec, a spokesman for the governor, said Tara, the second oldest of O'Malley's four children, had graduated from Notre Dame Preparatory School on Thursday. He referred The Associated Press to the family's statement, which made no mention of alcohol, when asked if the teen had been drinking.

"As we deal with this family matter and treat it as a teachable moment, we thank the public for respecting our privacy and encourage all parents and teenagers to be safe this graduation season," Judge O'Malley said in her statement.

Baltimore City police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said police do not "officially" know why Tara O'Malley was unconscious, and that "there was no evidence that she was drinking, no alcohol on her person."

He said police could charge people under 21 with a crime if they had evidence they were drinking or if they were acting disorderly.

"This was not one of those situations," Guglielmi said. There is no video of the incident, Guglielmi says, because a camera in the area where the teen was found points in a different direction.

Both Guglielmi and Cpl. Mike Hill, a spokesman for the Baltimore County Police Department, said Friday afternoon that they were not aware of any police investigations into underage drinking parties Thursday. The Baltimore County department covers the area in which Tara O'Malley's school is located.

A Baltimore City fire official who speaks on behalf of city paramedics also said he didn't know whether alcohol was involved. Kevin Cartwright, a Baltimore Fire Department spokesman, said only a doctor can make that determination. Paramedics would only provide the necessary care based on the person's condition and take the person to a medical facility.

According to the police report, the girl was found at about 7:30 p.m. and was taken to Harbor Hospital. Her mother's statement says she returned to her parents' home Thursday night. Katie O'Malley says her daughter is "feeling much better."


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