Saturday, May 15, 2010

This is How Hussein Obama Got Elected

This video shows exactly how the typical liberal thinks and it was those people that put Hussein Obama in office.

Like I have said many times before "liberalism is a mental disorder" and here's the proof.



  1. Michael Savage is seriously ill. I've heard his show, it's worse than Rush, Beck, Olberman, and Matthews combined. At least those guys have one foot in reality.

  2. I'm no fan of Michael Savage, he is waaay to conceded to even have an unbiased inkling of a thought, but.... he's not the one doing the talking here, I'd say that his caller is the one that's "seriously ill" LOL

  3. Anonymous9:12:00 PM

    I am a fan of "right wing" radio, but I agree Michael Savage is over the edge. I can't listen to him for more than 5 minutes.


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