Saturday, June 5, 2010

Be Causious of Old Sun Screen

My son went to the Wallops open house today and enjoyed the show, he says the Blue Angels were spectacular and a special bonus to a great event that Wallops opened to the public today.

He was there early, knowing he would be out in the sun all day he grabbed a bottle of SPF50 sunscreen and covered his exposed skin.

After being out in the sun he noticed he was starting to burn even with the SPF50 sunscreen he'd applied so he checked to the bottle of sunscreen for the date, that's when he found out that he had grabbed a bottle the was 2 years old.

Who would think that it would go bad? He is sunburned pretty bad after spending the day out in the sun even though he thought he took precautions by applying liberal amounts of SPF50 sunscreen.

We view this as a learning experience and just thought I'd pass along the warning to you to check the date on your sunscreen and discard last years bottle.

There are people that would sue I'm sure .... hot coffee comes to mind.

So if you're going out in the sun for any prolonged time make sure to get new sunscreen especially if you have little-ones, don't trust that old bottle of sunscreen.

Enjoy the summer sun, it's not fun having a blistering sunburn.


  1. Anonymous4:34:00 PM

    I actually knew this because 20some years ago, I worked in a shop that sold suntan products.
    At the end of the summer the Hawaian Tropic reps always came in and took back the unsold bottles of lotion. They did this because they didn't want someone to buy the following year, an expired and ineffective product.

  2. Anonymous4:45:00 PM

    I was at the Wallops open house today but I didn't see any Blue Angels. The wannabe imitators (Air Force Thunderbirds) were there, though. They departed for the Ocean City Airshow at 2:50 and made a downwind takeoff, presumably because they were too lazy to make a 180 or maybe because if they did a correct takeoff they wouldn't have been able to find Ocean City.

    The Navy F/A-18 that departed earlier was much more thrilling with a quick pull-up and a snap roll to the left before making a tight 180.

  3. Yeah...the sunscreen was not very good. And I was told it was the blue angels. I guess it wasn't tho. It was a good air show tho, whether it was or wasn't (at least in my opinion)

  4. Anonymous9:33:00 PM

    Well, the whole tour was impressive, IMHO. I've lived here almost 60 years and been to the old Naval Air Station and then WFF many times but I had no idea all the things they are doing now. Who knew all the neat stuff they are making in the machine shop or how fascinating it would be to watch them? All the displays were well thought out and the whole day was well organized. The best part, however, was the cafeteria. Got a cheeseburger (really tasty), large fries, nachos with cheese and two large drinks for only $8.15. Even saw a lot of people I knew who work there! Kudos to whoever organized the thing!


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