Monday, June 14, 2010

FLAG DAY - Remember And Honor Our Flag Today

In May of 1776 Betsy Ross was sought out by three men of great notoriety to be the seamstress for the United States Flag. Those three men were George Washington, Robert Morris and George Ross. George Washington was the leader of the Continental Army at this time, Robert Morris was perhaps the wealthiest man at the time, and George Ross was relation; in fact her late husband’s Uncle. Betsy had even done some sewing for George Washington before. These men’s ideas for the flag included stripes and a five-point star. By June 14, 1777 just a little over a year later much had taken place. On this day Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as the flag of the United States.

Bernard J. Cigrand Vision of Flag Day

Bernard J. Cigrand /strong>was a young teacher in 1885 who envisioned a day of remembrance and observance for the United States Flag. On June 14, 1885 he put the flag in jar on his desk and asked his class to write an essay about the flag and what it meant to them. Finally, after many years of hard work Bernard J. Cigrand’s vision came true when President Wilson issued a proclamation calling for a nation wide observance of Flag Day on May 30, 1916. Then in 1940 President Truman signed an Act of Congress designating the 14th of June every year as National Flag Day.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:58:00 PM

    I believe the men wanted stars with six points but Betsy talked them into the five point stars.


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