Tuesday, July 27, 2010

85th Annual Chincoteague Pony Swim - July 28, 2010

The 85th Annual Chincoteague Pony Penning is set to take place tomorrow, Wednesday, July 28th. The Ponies will hit the water after 10:00 AM at dead low tide.

This year, the town is providing a free shuttle service for people wishing to attend the swim. The departures will being at 5:00 AM at Chincoteague High School on July 28th. There are various shuttle stops for all who are staying on the island already in hotels and campgrounds. The shuttles will be wheelchair accessible and will run continuously until the pony swim ends.

According to lore, the Assateague Ponies swam to shore when the Spanish Galleon carrying them was shipwrecked. However, after research was completed it is more likely they were simply turned free by settlers. The Penning was originally for livestock owners to claim, brand, break and harness their loose herds. By the 1700's it had become an annual event, complete with festivities for entire community, according to the Chincoteague Pony Penning Website. The first known documentation of the Pony Penning was a pamphlet printed in 1835.

Following the swim will be the Pony Auction. The auctioneer for the even will be Tim Jennings. At last year's Pony Auction, 65 horses were sold, or folds as they are referred, raising $94,100 for the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company. 5 ponies were "bought back" in last year's auction. "Buy backs" are ponies which are purchased at auction and then returned to the heard on Assateague Island. Several "buy back" groups exist such as Feathered Friends and the Buy Back Babes. Traditionally, the Chincoteague Volunteer Fireman's Carnival has ended the Saturday after the Pony Swim. However, this year Chincoteague's Carnival will run until Saturday, August 7th.

More Information History of the Pony Penning


  1. Hoping this is a misprint and is supposed to be 10 AM instead of 10 pm....that would make for a long day!!

  2. It IS a misprint and has been corrected and the scource contacted. Thank you so much. Sometimes it takes more than one set of eyes.


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