Monday, August 30, 2010

Charity Event At Gumboro Mud Bog

There was hardly any room left to park Saturday afternoon at the Gumboro Mud Bog Charity Event for the Wounded Soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital. Word is that over 2,000 fans were on hand for a day of watching trucks in the various classes make the attempt to get through 200 feet of mud in the least amount of time.

Mudbogging is a very competitive sport at times but Saturday wasn't just about competition. It was about showing the 65 or more guests from Walter Reed Hospital just how enjoyable the sport can be. And afterall, the day was about them and for them.
The wounded warriors, some with family, rolled in by bus with a police escort.

Weather on Delmarva doesn't get any better than what we had Saturday and I know everyone had to notice the clear blue skies, low humidity and wonderful breeze. It was so wonderful to see the grandstands full of fans and fans lined against the fence. The charity race always give the winner in each racing class double points and I am not aware (yet) of any records being broken in speed but I can report to all of you that during the Charity Event For the Wounded Soldiers At Walter Reed Hospital the Gumboro Mud Bog in just FIVE hours of racing in the mud raised FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!

It was an honor for all of those in racing competition on Saturday to be able to entertain America's hero's for a few hours. Each and every one of them had a marvelous day and will be talking about their trip to the Eastern Shore for a very long time.

So to all of you out there that wrinkle your nose at mud racing remember this..... LOOK WHAT MUD CAN DO!!Thankyou to all those men and women serving in the military, recovering in hospitals, retired and to your families for all you have done and continue to do for all of us so that we may remain free. God bless all of you.

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