Thursday, August 19, 2010

Eastern Shore Musician Is One Of Five Finalists In Song Competition

Don't forget to cast your vote real soon!

Eastern Shore musician Thelma Peterson has entered her song "I Am At War" in a national competition sponsored by USAtoday. The competition is for songs which relate to the Gulf Oil Spill.

Peterson was informed last week that her song is one of five finalists and her song, along with four others, have been posted on the USAToday website. On the website you will be able to listen to the song and vote on your favorite.

Please click the link below today and vote for the Eastern Shores own Thelma Peterson's song "I Am At War."

More Information Gulf Oil Spill Tragedy Contest and to hear her song...............

"After returning from a Veterans Day service with my dad, who landed on the first wave at Omaha Beach, I saw for the first time the horrific images of oil-coated seabirds," says the
songwriter, THELMA PETERSON of Machipongo, Va. "It seemed to me as if they, as well as all of men, are in a war not so very different from the war that was talked about that day, which was fresh in my mind. It was a very emotional day."

Craig's comments: "I think this song sums up the way many of us feel. The music is very haunting. The lyric reminds us there's a battle between exploiting our natural resources and protecting our environment; between holding the guilty accountable and yet keeping the jobs these companies provide; between cheap oil and expensive consequences. This war touches the lives of many, but particularly those who are the casualties on the front line, as well as the seacoast itself. "

Thelma Peterson's video can be found on YouTube: I Am At War - Thelma Peterson

What a wonderful way for our sentiments to be sent than through this song.................Vote for Thelma Peterson.......Let's show America how strong the Eastern Shore can be!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:19:00 PM

    Never mind, I just found it in the article. Yep, it was Machipongo. Is there something in the water down there?


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