Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Octo Mom Has Yard Sale/Auction

LA HABRA - Nadya Suleman made $2,600 at her yard sale/auction this weekend, and it's not over yet. You can still bid on her personal items until midnight tonight.

The auction can be found by clicking on Rick.com and then on the "Dees Sleaze" tab. Items that have yet to sell include a signed sonogram, a diaper bag signed "Octomom" and the octuplets' handprints and baby blankets.

As of Monday afternoon the item with the highest bid, $280, was the red bikini Suleman wore on the cover of Star Magazine.

The auction and yard sale were dreamed up by radio personality Tattoo, of the Rick Dee's Internet radio show Tattoo and Crew, in a last-ditch effort to keep his friend Suleman, and her 14 kids, off welfare.

The yard sale, held Saturday at her La Habra home, drew so many people that police had to close off her street to vehicle traffic.Items sold included a sofa billed as the sofa where Suleman was sitting when she first heard the news that she was pregnant with octuplets. Someone paid $150 for it. Others paid to have their picture taken with La Habra's most famous resident.

"She was very happy ... we are talking about someone who didn't have that money the day before," Tattoo said.

The goal, though, is to raise $10,000. Suleman is facing foreclosure and said Saturday, while sitting on the sofa before it sold, that if she becomes homeless she will have no choice but to go on welfare. Tattoo is arranging for her to make a club appearance this weekend for money.

"At the end of the day, Nadya is an attraction," Tattoo said.

He's also trying to get her a gig guest hosting on his radio show. "I'm not politically correct," he said.

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