Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pocomoke Middle School Pride Shown On The "Today Show"

Here's the video of Pocomoke Middle School as it was filmed last week for the "Today Show" and aired Wednesday morning. "The school gained the notice of producers working on the series after being named one of the country's 10 NASSP Breakthrough Schools for its improvements in student achievement in 2008, and then being profiled on the U.S. Department of Education's website in 2009."

The interviews are wonderful! The students and staff are so proud of themselves! And listen to what Principal Bloxom has to say about what she requires of her teaching staff.

And for any of you "long ago Pocomoke Middle School students (like my children and their friends) see if you recognize any of those teachers. I guarantee it will bring back memories.

This is a wonderful thing for the middle school and for Pocomoke City too.


  1. Anonymous11:59:00 PM

    Kudos to the Principal Bloxom, Vice Principal Perry, all of the Administrative Staff, Guidance Counselors, Teachers and Students!

    This is quite an accomplishment and the students are indeed the stars in this and maybe have a party to celebrate!

    Congrats and keep up the great work!

  2. Anonymous11:12:00 AM

    Pocomoke Middle is so lucky to have such a wonderful principal and staff. I saw this on the Today Show and you could just see the dedication the educators have toward the students.
    It was mentioned that a goldfish pond is located on the school grounds. This should be a reminder that what those students are receiving at PMS is golden.

  3. Anonymous7:37:00 PM

    Congratulations Pocomoke Middle School and staff. I went to your school, forever ago, and then on the PHS where I graduated in 1980. I am proud of what you are doing for our children there. Keep up the excellent work. I miss the town and the people.

    Clif Northam
    Colorado Springs, CO


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