Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Pocomoke City Police are seeking the assistance of it’s citizens by reporting any 
suspicious activity or unknown persons in their neighborhood during the day time 
and evening hours.  Person(s) unknown have broken into private homes during 
these hours by entering thru the rear doors.  Items of interest are laptop 
computers, X-Boxes, and Video Games.  Should you observe any suspicious 
activity/persons in your neighborhood, please call 911 or the Pocomoke Police 
directly at 410-957-1600.  Affected areas are Eighth Street, Pocomoke Heights, 
and White Oaks areas.
                                 J. D. Ervin
                           Chief of Police


  1. Anonymous10:47:00 PM

    Yeah, Chief Ervin! Glad to see the Police Chief is keeping the public informed.

  2. Ok, Citizens of Pocomoke! It is now time for you to act! Get your Neighborhood Watch groups organized or keep an eye open yourself. Go buy a cheap notebook tomorrow to take notes.

    You know some of the areas now where crimes have been comitted. Keep your eyes open, write down everything you see that is suspicious, call it in. Be sure to log it in your book and keep track of the time and who you spoke with.

    It's up to you now, Citizens, to get busy and take back that wonderful town that so many of us grew up in and raised our children in.

    And please remember to get your butt to the next crime meeting. No excuses now!

    Good luck. Keep me informed...

  3. Anonymous11:56:00 PM

    not only eighth street, heights and white oaks affected. Most crimes last two weeks were below 8th street. 2 homicides last 9/23 were around clark.

  4. Anon 11:56 You are 100% correct! And all of this crime did not just begin. It has been going on for quite a long time without being addressed.

    When I read there were TWO homicides last week on the SAME day I went ballistic. Why weren't the people told? There is nothing embarrassing about your town having crime. But it IS embarrassing if you don't address it, inform the citizens, and meet the challenge of at least controlling it.

    Look back at the crime report PE posted just recently and you can see where these crimes have been. This isn't the first time this has been posted on here.

    Everytime it becomes available we post it hoping the citizens would see it and gain some knowledge of where the crime is with the hope they will protect themselves.

  5. Anonymous1:43:00 AM

    I agree JMMB. WHY WASN'T OUR COMMUNITY TOLD? Why isn't the Mayor addressing the public? I commend the Police Chief for posting something on here. The Mayor and Chief need to make a statement to the community. Growing up here and not one murder in many years, and now this? 4 deaths in this month alone is scarey for most and especially for our children.

  6. Anonymous1:44:00 AM

    Worst part is, I fear this isn't over yet. Heard the guy's brother who was stabbed is going take action. Hope the police are watching!

  7. Where is the idiotic mentality coming fromm? guess would be from the idiot that thinks more crime will take care of the situation. From the person that probably knows more than he will ever tell the police.

  8. Anonymous10:16:00 PM

    Check out case number: 23K08000252.
    He was sentenced last november with felony burglary charges to 18 months in the Worcester county. He has several related charges for past several years. He was placed on work release since last Jan. What kind of work release is our county jail running these days?

  9. Anonymous12:01:00 AM

    another good question is why were alot of the charges noelle pros? when he had even more serious charges in Wicomico Co. and even one time had escaped from wicomico county and was a 'fugitive'? Didn't Worcester County check his records from Wicomico?


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