Thursday, September 16, 2010

Town Hall Meeting To Be Held In Greenbackville

Congressional hopeful Scott Rigell will be holding a town hall meeting for Eastern Shore residents to attend and ask questions or express concerns for the 2nd district.

The town hall will be held this coming Monday, September 20 at the Cavaliers Cove Golf and Yacht Club at Captains Cove in Greenbackville in the Marina Club House. The town hall begins at 6:30 PM.

According to Rigell's Press Secretary Krystal Cameron, this will be his second of four town hall meetings. Rigell has invited all citizens of Virginias 2nd Congressional district to attend, including Congressman Glen Nye.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:50:00 PM

    Very nice to read such "old" posts!

    This topic, like the little that you can see, they feel accompanied us at the beginning


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