Monday, October 4, 2010

Accused White House Crasher Tareq Salahi Files Bankruptcy

Alleged White House gate crasher Tareq Salahi's polo club has filed for bankruptcy.

The Northern Virginia Daily reported that America's Polo Cup Inc. filed for Chapter 7 in U.S. Bankruptcy Court on Sept. 13.

The petition says America's Polo Cup grossed more than $400,000 in 2008 and 2009, but just slightly more than $50,000 this year.

It lists $67,000 in assets - all in the form of money owed to the company - and $329,850 in debts, including more than $304,000 for catering that is the subject of a civil lawsuit.

A winery business owned by Salahi filed bankruptcy in 2009.

Salahi and his wife, Michaele, made headlines last year when they allegedly crashed a White House state dinner. Michaele is a cast member on Bravo's reality show "Real Housewives of D.C.

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