Sunday, October 17, 2010

Baltimore Police Detective Killed Over Parking Spot

An off-duty Baltimore police detective, taking part in the Canton nightlife on the eve of his birthday Saturday, was killed after being struck in the head after an argument over a parking spot, police said. He would have turned 38 today.

Brian Stevenson, an 18-year veteran and married father of three, was pronounced dead at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center not long after he was attacked in the 2800 block of Hudson St. at about 10 p.m.

Acting on information from witnesses, police arrested 25-year-old Sian James later Saturday night at a downtown club. On Sunday afternoon, he was charged with first-degree murder.

Police Commissioner Frederick H. Bealefeld III told reporters outside the hospital that the argument was "incredibly petty."

"It's an incredible tragedy for the family, for all of us," said Bealefeld, who spoke with Stevenson's family members along with Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. "The city's losing … we're losing a fantastic detective who works to make people safe in this city. It's just senseless."

Stevenson grew up in the city and went on to investigate shootings and robberies in the Northeast District. He went to have dinner with a longtime friend near Canton Square when an argument broke out in the parking lot of an eye care clinic. Residents say the neighborhood is typically jam-packed, with some area bars offering valet service and drivers jockeying for precious parking spots.

Police sat James picked up an object — a rock or piece of concrete — and hurled it at Stevenson, striking him in the right temple and causing him to fall to the ground.

Stevenson lost consciousness and was rushed to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

James went on to a club in the Power Plant area, where officers found and detained him, police said.

Stevenson is the first city officer to be killed in an attack since January 9, 2007, when Officer Troy Lamont Chesley Sr. was fatally shot during a robbery while he was off-duty in Northwest Baltimore. Last month, Officer James Fowler died after losing control of his vehicle while driving to a training program in Pennsylvania.

Friends recalled Stevenson as a jovial man who was one of the department's snappiest and unique dressers, pairing wild colors and patterns. Detective Thomas Jackson, a homicide investigator who worked with Stevenson in the Northeast District investigating shootings and robberies, said Stevenson was called "Smiley" because of his consistently upbeat mood.

As a detective, Jackson said, Stevenson was able to relate to those he interacted with in the streets. He grew up in the city and graduated from Dunbar High School, Jackson said.

"He loved doing his job, and he made sure his family was provided for," said Detective Sandra Forsythe, who continued to bring baked goods to her former partner after she moved on to the homicide unit this year.

Stevenson was featured in a 1994 Baltimore Afro-American article about the first class of officers to graduate under the then-new police commissioner, Thomas Frazier. His mother beamed with pride when discussing her son.

"I think that it is wonderful because he's doing something for society," Sheila Dorsey told the Afro. "He has always been the type of person who would help other people in any way that he could. I know that he will be a good police officer, because he has the Lord on his side."

At the scene, neighbor Tricia Zebron said that the neighborhood is typically chaotic on weekends. She said parking spots are hard to come by - her car was parked in the same lot where Stevenson was struck, though there are "private parking" signs posted that warn that driver's will be towed.

"It's a circus every weekend here," she said.

The suspect, James, lived around the corner in the 2800 block of Dillon St.. Court records show he was charged in July with attempted rape, third-degree sex offense, assault and false imprisonment. Initially held without bond, he was released in mid-September on $150,000 bond. Details of that case were not immediately available.

Records also show that in late July James was ordered to stay away from a woman who had filed her second protective order against him in a span of four months. Reached for comment, a man who answered the woman's phone said that they could not discuss James because of an "ongoing situation."

Outside the emergency room entrance at Hopkins Bayview on Saturday night and into Sunday morning, dozens of officers in uniform or street clothes stood solemnly. Some were retired officers. There was little discussion. Deep into the morning, relatives of Stevenson continued to arrive.

As one group of officers walked to their cars to head home, they each shook hands.

"Be safe," they said to each other.

Jackson, who investigates city homicides, many over petty disputes and slights, said Stevenson's death was one of the most senseless he could think of.

"All of them are terrible, but a parking spot?" Jackson said.

The driver of a limo parked outside the nearby Clutch sports lounge said he didn't see or hear the commotion from the attack, but he noted that he was an off-duty Prince George's County police officer. "It hurts," he said of news that a fellow law enforcement officer had been killed.


  1. Anonymous6:15:00 PM

    There you have it; the perfect argument for rock control. All rocks should be registered and a plaster cast made so they can be identified if used in a crime. There can be no argument against rock control because neither the United States Constitution nor any other state constitution guarantees the right to bear rocks.

  2. Anonymous8:22:00 PM

    I think the Obama Administration should consider strict federal controls on the stone industry in general and quarries in particular. Can you imagine how many trillions of unregistered rocks are produced and distributed to unknown people every day? How many ex-felons, child molesters or mentally unstable people have access to unregistered rocks? It's a national scandal!

  3. Anonymous9:26:00 PM

    Give Obama time!

    No wait, he and his wife are too busy trying to tax anything and everything they can.

    Proposing soda tax, fast food 'unhealthy' food tax, before too long we'll have 'oxygen taxes'.

    Think anyone on disability, unemployment or food stamps should have to take a drug test. If you fail, then you don't get money. That would be far better than all these taxes.

  4. Anonymous10:23:00 PM

    Anyone on food stamps should get spay and neutered also, 9:26. Nowadays the procedures are reversable. When and if they get back on their feet they can then reverse it.


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