Friday, October 22, 2010

'Bog Hog' Flips At Gumboro

The spectators always love to see Aaron Ellis and the 'Bog Hog'.

Big Tire Modified- Bog Hog time was 4.151 seconds

Last race day of 2010 -- 10.09.10

This roll over, once again, could have turned out to be something horrible.

The people that you see running to the truck after it came to a rest were in the pits. The jumped the chain fence to get to Aaron. It wasn't until AFTER three drivers from the pits had arrived on the scene that only ONE from the Gumboro crew came to his aid! Slowly, yes I mean slowly, they trickled in. What's the problem here? What in the heck were they waiting for?

Again, there was NO ambulance on the site. Suppose this driver had suffered a neck injury? How long would it take to get paramedics to the scene.......after all, it was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and I am sure under those conditions it would have taken a while.

This is crucial. This is ridiculous! Will a horrible accident have to occur before those that own the Gumboro Mudbog get the complete picture?

Thank goodness the drivers are agile and quick thinking enough to get there! Boohoo on the comedy caper guys that go only as fast as the vehicles they ride in. Either put bigger motors in their carts or make their behinds run! Don't leave it to the drivers.........USE SOME RESPONSIBILITY!

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