Sunday, October 10, 2010

Carroll Overholt Writes to the Pocomoke City Council

Published with permission from the author Carroll Overholt
Pocomoke City Council Members,
   Recently Pocomoke City Police Lt. Martin Koerner resigned.  There are rumors already being spread that Koerner never intended to stay in Pocomoke and had applied for a "federal job" before coming to Pocomoke.  That rumor is simply not true.
   I have known Marty Koerner for over twenty years.  He had an outstanding career with the Maryland State Police, retiring as a Captain in charge of the entire Eastern Shore.  I was pleased when I learned he had been hired at Pocomoke.  I know that he cared for this city and he was deeply concerned about its recent crime problems.  He did seek to make a difference here in Pocomoke.
   Although I know many of the reasons that Lt. Koerner left your city, I strongly encourage each of you to personally meet with Marty and have him tell you why he felt he had to resign.
   I know each one of you and am confident that you want the best for the City of Pocomoke.  Sit down with Marty one on one and hear him out.  I'm confident you will be shocked as some of his revelations.
   I should note that this letter has been written without any prompting on the part of Koerner


  1. Anonymous9:45:00 AM

    Mr. Overholt,

    You are confident that they want the best for the City? Yeah, right, that's why they do everything behind closed doors without public input.

    They already knew about Lt. Koerner and what happened to him. They don't care and they are 'silently' backing the Chief.

    Pocomoke City residents wake up.

  2. Anonymous9:48:00 AM

    Koerner knows enough to blow the lid off the Police Department and put Pocomoke back on the front page again. Remember the Frank White days? J.D., you better start turning in your papers.

  3. Anonymous6:24:00 PM

    I find it quite distressing that Mr Overhold claims to be afraid to let his wife come into the city for fear of the crime. A couple of hundred people come into the city every day to work, attend to business or to just stroll around without any fears. That statement is irresponsible on his part and can only hurt the businesses that are located downtown.

  4. Anonymous9:33:00 PM

    The statement about being afraid to let his wife and child come into town made by Mr Overholt at the community meeting was irresponsible and disingenuous.
    Yes many people venture into the city every day and are perfectly safe. To make such a statement IS hurtful to the business community.

  5. Anonymous10:20:00 PM

    The Mayor, Chief of police and a few others simply don't want to admit that Pocomoke has a major crime problem. Just look at the crimes reported on this blog for September. 16 total serious crimes, including 2 attempted murders in 12 days. Compare our homicide rate with any other town of Delmarva. One school teacher was recently quoted as saying "I don't even feel safe in my workplace". The first step in fixing a problem is admitting that we have one. You should be "distressed" about the problem, not the truth.

  6. Anonymous6:49:00 AM

    On Sept. 30, Brian Shane of the Daily Times, wrote an article concerning the recent stabbing death in Pocomoke. In that article he quoted Pocomoke City District 3 Councilman Bruce Morrison. Morrison stated "It's getting scary", "I don't want to see things like this happening in my town. I'm very concerned about it. I'm going to talk to the city manager about it, and we're going to see what we can do about getting it under wraps." Were Morrison's comments also "irresponsible" and "disingenous"?

  7. Anonymous7:02:00 AM

    To those that find Overholt's comments "irresponsible" and "disingenuos", did you not pay attention to the comments of others? One lady spoke at length about the lack of activities for area youths. She said she has a son in school and that other than playing on the basketball team her son has nothing to do. She made it clear she would not allow him out on the streets as she felt it unsafe. Now I give this lady credit. The realizes there is a problem on the streets and refuses to allow her son to become involved. She comes to the crime meeting out of concern for her family. Have you labeled her as "irresponsible' and "disingenous" too.

  8. Anonymous1:37:00 PM

    The other comments aren't irresponsible because they don't suggest that Pocomoke City should be avoided.
    I've walked downtown PC plenty of times and have never felt fearful.
    Mr Overhold more than most due to his back ground in law enforcement should recognize the role the 2 murder victims had in their murders. It is a fact not to be ignored that certain lifestyles increase chances of becomming a victim.
    When you expose yourself to criminals, do drugs, drink and participate in criminal activities you are increasing you chances signifigantly that you will become a victim.

  9. Anonymous3:13:00 PM

    1:37, you initially state that Overhold said "he was afraid to let his wife and child come into town". Now you twist that by saying he suggests pocomoke "should be avoided". You are obviously one of those "few" that won't ever admit there is a problem. The "its getting scary" comment by Morrison says it all.

  10. Anonymous3:15:00 PM

    1:37, you initially state that Overhold said "he was afraid to let his wife and child come into town". Now you twist that by saying he suggests pocomoke "should be avoided". You are obviously one of those "few" that won't ever admit there is a problem. The "its getting scary" comment by Morrison says it all.


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