Friday, October 8, 2010

Community Awareness Meeting

There is a Community Awareness Meeting at 9 am at New Macedonia Church - Bishop Jenkin's in Pocomoke.

  At the 1st meeting, Lighthouse Counseling & Police Dept. provided donuts...and tomorrow Lighthouse Counseling is providing fall assorted donuts/munchins and coffee from Dunkin Donuts.

Please try to attend these meetings, the community needs to be aware and more so know what is going on in and around Pocomoke. People need to demand that press releases be published in a timely manor not weeks after the crime or in most incidences NEVER.

Speak your mind, this is the place to do it.


  1. Anonymous7:19:00 AM

    Personally I think this is a total waste of time. Until and unless the parent or the guardian of juvenile deliquents attend or perhaps be forced to attend not a thing is going to change!

    I blame this crime problem in large part to the lack of parenting skills. In some cases the parents just don't care.

    I keep on hearing how there's nothing for the kids to do. When I was growing up we didn't dare complain of boredom. Our parents would have told us to go read a book or wash the windows! Or we would have been handed a bucket of soapy water a brush and told to go scrub the front steps. In my growing up years anyone who was hanging out in the streets was considered low class and not someone we wanted to be associated with.

  2. Until society takes charge of its own behavior and stop blaming other things there will be crime. Until parents take resposibility of raising their own children and stop dropping there on society to raise there will be crime.

    It isn't a city's fault. It isn't a policeman's fault that there is crime. It lies on the shoulders of the parents.

    Children most times won't get bored if the parents care enough to keep their minds occupied and show them how to use their idle time wisely. Yep, it's hard to be creative sometimes but as a parent we have it to do. We must do it.

  3. Anonymous8:41:00 AM

    Idle hands are the devil's workshop.

  4. Anonymous1:34:00 PM

    Lack of a role model. I think alot of these thugs didn't have a REAL role model when younger. And I don't mean someone famous. Real role model are our pastors, police officers, teachers and others in postitions of authority. Alot of this young generation hasn't any respect for authority due to their mothers thinking their kids are never at fault and not supporting those in authority.


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