Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pocomoke; Trick-Or-Treaters Out In Full Force

While taking my little Angel out for her first Halloween Trick-Or-Treat adventure the Trick-Or-Treaters were out like ants to a spring picnic.

We saw all kinds of scary creatures of all ages from strollers to questionable if they were of the maximum age. We were met with every type of scary monster and bogeyman imaginable from little dogs to a monster truck and everything in-between. They were all well thought-out as we saw a lot of handmade costumes this year.

Here's where we began the evening and it looks as though many others did the same.

 It just doesn't seam right to me when out Trick-Or-Treating while the sun is still bright.

In our travels I encountered an ice-cream sunday among the bunch of ghouls and goblin's

The ice-cream sunday was also traveling with a friend.

And as we walked through foreboding streets we came across this 'monster' truck guarding it's palace.

And the 'monster' trucks masters looking for fresh blood to feed the massive engine of the 'monster'

And as the evening sun slowly faded away (and the candy) so did the ghost, goblins, vampires, zombies, and even the sunday retreated to their lair.

We here at PPE hope everyone had a great Halloween and just a reminder, check your child's candy very good, if it's open or just doesn't look right to you throw it away because sadly we just never know what kind of people we are dealing with these days.

Happy Halloween


  1. Anyone that knows me well knows that Halloween is my favorite time of the year!

    This really makes me miss not being there!! Looks like everyone was having a great time and it looks like the Pocomoke Heights is still the popular place to trick or treat.

  2. Anonymous12:47:00 PM

    It's nice to see such involvement from families. It does, however, seem strange to be trick or treating in broad daylight. I seem to remember about 20 years ago it was at least twilight when we took the kids out. I think that's the result of pushing the change to Standard Time back into November instead of last week in October. Just another result of government playing with our lives; good intentions but unforeseen results.

  3. Anonymous1:46:00 PM

    It was so nice of the residents who participated in making Trick or Treating extra fun for the children.

  4. Anonymous11:38:00 AM

    Every year the house with the monster truck gets better and better they really go all out.They have really creative ideas.We are looking forward to their christmas decorations.Thanks again you always give the children something to look forward too.

  5. Anonymous5:28:00 PM

    Man i love that truck


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