Monday, October 11, 2010

Prostock First Place Winner 2010 At Gumboro

The season of mud racing at the Gumboro Mudbog has now come to an end. Hopefully, within a few days all the points will be added and we will know who all the winners are in all classes that have raced throughout the season.

Points are very important to the drivers of these trucks because caring for one can be quite overwhelming at times and at the end of the year one really needs to know where one stands for the season.

It kind of helps a driver put into perspective all of the hard work, time and expense he or she has put into the machine throughout the year. It doesn't matter if you win or lose...... the time and frustration seems worth it.

For the drivers of the 187 East Performance team no one has to tell them and they don't need to know the numbers to know who the 1st place winner is in Prostock this year.

The first place honor goes to Patrick Long and his truck "All Night Soldier" of the 187 East Performance team.

Here's the video of Patrick's last run for the season this past Saturday.

A very well deserved and well earned win!
Congratulations Patrick!!

More on the Gumboro Mudbog soon...........

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