Thursday, October 7, 2010

PSST ! Have you heard the latest?

The Democrats are standing back because they KNOW they can't touch a Republican

like Mike McDermott !!

Don't Forget to VOTE MIKE!!


  1. Anonymous12:12:00 AM

    is that really what you think?
    Nope, you're wrong. Democrats made a deal with Mikey. They are remaining silent, but they are supporting him.

    They suppported him for Mayor.

    Then he supported Democrat their candidates.

    Wonder how much Lee paid Mikey this time.

    And, Burkes have taken 'guest' off their tattler site so you can't mention anything negative about their 'friend' Todd or his Worcester democrat party.

    Afterall, they too helped Lee. And they are doing it again. They are truly friends.

  2. Anonymous7:15:00 AM

    I got both a McDermott bumper sticker and a yard sign displayed. I also know of 6 chicken growers who have never voter before. They have registered and plan on voting for the mayor, because they are afraid of the democrats and their extreme environmentalist views.
    I'm also hearing grumblings about our democratic representation being in favor of cap and trade.

  3. Anonymous7:58:00 AM

    Love the picture, jmmb! I see 12:12am has totally missed the point. Doesn't surprise me that some will turn a joke into a chance to continue to bash Mayor McDermott.

  4. Anonymous8:02:00 AM

    Oh Lord, one thing's for sure 12:12 isn't a candidate for Mensa.
    Great Picture!

  5. Anonymous8:16:00 AM

    Our current representation must be trying to ruin the lower shore by being in favor of cap and trade. Not only chicken farmers but the majority of the farmers and the small business owners are against cap and trade. Our economy depends heavily on agriculture and also tourism, the tourism industry being heavily made up of small business owners.

  6. Anonymous8:27:00 AM

    I hope when "Mikey" gets to Annapolis he continues to call a spade a spade and a "sponge" a "sponge."

    I'm sick and tired of paying for these people!!
    And the politician that has the gumption to tell it the way it tis' will always get my vote!
    Enough of tip toeing around the system abusers.

  7. Anonymous11:40:00 AM

    Think Mikey tells you like it is?!?!?! I've got a bridge to sell you!

  8. Anonymous11:48:00 AM

    Your comments 'supporting him' that you think are a 'joke' most won't get around here. So in the end, your 'jokes' actually look like you are supporting him.

    Tell it like it is and don't play on words.

    Mikey is Republican who sold his soul to Eddie Lee for the Democrat votes in Worcester Co.

    He realizes there are more blacks than whites in this county and had to do this to win. He makes me sick, just the fact he uses people.

  9. Anonymous2:27:00 PM

    "He realizes there are more black than whites in this county"......
    Another untruth, false state, lie...
    FACT-The white population of Worcester county is approximately 80%.

    Another FACT for you-In the primary election just held in September in which Mike McDermott was the top vote getter, Republicans were the ONLY ones who could vote for him!

  10. Anonymous4:35:00 PM

    11:48 Chill Out and take a GOOD look at the picture. Do you see the democrat party mascot in the background, "standing back"?
    Now do you get it? Now do you understand "the Democrats are standing back...."

  11. Anonymous6:50:00 AM

    US Census Bureau says 2009 population of Worcester County was 49,122. 83% white, 14.8% black, 2.8% Latino and 1% being two or more races at same time.


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