Monday, October 25, 2010

State's Attorney Candidates See Experience Differently

This still seems to be a pretty sore issue among alot of Todd supporters, Oglesby supporters and Maryland Coast Dispatch readers...........

BERLIN – Experience has been a catch-word of sorts in the race for Worcester County State’s Attorney, with the incumbent touting his 25 years of prosecuting the most serious crimes in the county and the challenger drawing on endorsements from those on the front lines of crime in the community.

As anticipated, the campaigns being waged by incumbent State’s Attorney Joel Todd and challenger Beau Oglesby, currently a deputy state’s attorney in Caroline County, have accelerated as Election Day nears and one would expect nothing less between the familiar adversaries. Back in the 2006 election, the two were separated by a mere 14 votes when Todd emerged victorious.

Not surprisingly, the comparative experience level of the two candidates has become a focal point in their respective campaigns. Todd pointed out this week his two decades-plus as state’s attorney sets him apart from Oglesby, who has spent more than a decade as a prosecutor in three different Lower Shore counties.

“Absolutely, the thing that separates me from my opponent is that I have been prosecuting cases, in this office, for 25 years,” Todd said. “I’ve prosecuted everything from speeding tickets to dozens of murder cases, arson, child abuse, rape, sex offenses and countless drug offenses.”
Oglesby has spent much of his career as a prosecutor trying drug-related cases, according to Todd.
“Prosecuting drug offenses appears to be his claim to fame,” he said. “As far as I can tell, and I’ve searched, I don’t believe he has ever prosecuted a murder case. That’s not to say he hasn’t been involved in the prosecution of the murder, but I’m talking about a trial. I don’t think he has ever taken a murder case to trial.”

With four murder cases in Worcester County currently in various stages of the prosecution process, Todd said Oglesby is ill equipped to take over as state’s attorney in Worcester County at such a critical time.

“There are four pending homicide trials in Worcester County, all of which are scheduled for after the election,” he said. “He’s never tried a case in Worcester County. It would be extremely awkward to walk into this office and take on that right away. He doesn’t know the courtroom, he doesn’t know the judges and most importantly, he’s not experienced in victim cases. Clearly, my experience sets me apart.”

However, Oglesby disputed the “experience” factor, pointing out he is further along in his career than his opponent was when he was first elected.

“As far as the experience factor, how much is enough?” he said. “I have been a prosecutor for 13 years, which is more experience than the incumbent had when he took office 16 years ago.”
Oglesby also pointed out, as a means to discredit the experience factor, Todd allegedly offered him a position in the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s office following the close election in 2006.

“The incumbent offered me the position of deputy state’s attorney in January of 2007, so I find it strange that, with four years of additional experience and in the course of an election year, he now questions my experience and ability to manage an office,” he said. “I have worked in three different state’s attorney’s offices and implemented effective change in each of those offices. The incumbent has done things his way for 25 years. That’s 25 years of doing things only one way.

Doing something for a long time doesn’t mean it is being done in the best way or by the best person.” Todd has prosecuted numerous homicides and other violent crimes, and several victims and victim’s families have come out in recent days in support of the incumbent. In fact, as many as 400 crime victims have come out in support of Todd on a Facebook page dedicated to his campaign. For example, Debbie Ford, whose brother Joshua was murdered by Benjamin and Erica Sifrit in Ocean City in 2002, had this to say about the state’s attorney.

“Joel worked day and night to make sure that my family would have justice for the brutal murders committed by Benjamin and Erica Sifrit. Knowing that the people who committed this horrific crime will never hurt another family thanks to Joel’s help gets us through each day. I hope everyone will support Joel as I know he is the best man for this office,” she wrote.

For his part, Todd said he did not solicit the support of the crime victims, nor did he start the social network page, but he is gratified by their support nonetheless.

“It’s nice to know the people I’m working so hard to help are standing up behind me in this election,” he said. “I’m here to help them. I am the people’s attorney.”

Oglesby, however, discredited the campaign tactic, saying he would not consider soliciting the support from the victims of crime to forward his election effort.

“I believe the incumbent’s submission of endorsements made by crime victims is one example of the stark contrast between the incumbent’s campaign tactics and my campaign,” he said. “I respect the victims of all crimes and would never solicit support or endorsements from them for political purposes. The victims and their families have been traumatized enough without being put in the uncomfortable position of having to relive their ordeal for the political gain of an incumbent.”

Oglesby said there is an in-kind number of crime victims whose cases he has prosecuted that would come out in support of his campaign, but he would not solicit their affirmation.

“I could display the same support from families I have worked with over the past 13 years, but I do not think it is appropriate to ask victims and their families to participate in a political campaign or even a social network,” he said.

Instead, Oglesby likes to point out his apparent overwhelming support from the law enforcement community. The challenger has been formally endorsed by the Maryland State Fraternal Order of Police along with the FOPs in Worcester County, Ocean City and Berlin, for example.

“The historic, unanimous law enforcement endorsements I have received verify my experience and ability to be state’s attorney,” said Oglesby. “These endorsements are from the men and women who interact with the state’s attorney’s office on a daily basis. They see how all of the cases are handled, not just the high profile ones. They know best the importance of a strong and effective state’s attorney.”

Todd, on the other hand, points out he has received the formal endorsements of Worcester County Sheriff Chuck Martin and Ocean Pines Police Chief and former Ocean City Police Chief Dave Massey.

“The thing to remember is that I’m an objective, independent attorney,” he said. “My client is the people of Worcester County, not the people of the police department. If the voters want an attorney for the police department, I’m not that person and they should not vote for me.”
Todd said while he works closely with law enforcement on prosecutions, by definition and by law, his first responsibility is the citizenry.

“Occasionally, and I should say very occasionally, I see a case differently than the police see it, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be,” he said. “If the constitution intended the state’s attorney to be the legal arm of law enforcement, then it would be called the police attorney. The reason the position is called state’s attorney is because it’s the attorney for the people of the state.”

Nonetheless, Oglesby points out his support from the police speaks volumes about dissatisfaction with the incumbent.

“The question for voters to ask themselves is, why after 25 years in the office do none of the law enforcement groups support the incumbent?” he said. “And why do all of those law enforcement groups endorse and support Beau Oglesby. The law enforcement endorsements I have received prove my assertion that immediate change is needed for the effective prosecution of all crimes in Worcester County.”
News Editor, Shawn J. Soper


  1. Anonymous2:43:00 PM

    Looks like Joel Todd is trying to distance himself from the Sponge Society and it's band of followers. Not one mention of who started the Crime Victims for Todd Facebook. Can't say I blame him.

  2. Anonymous3:33:00 PM

    Mr. Soper places a great deal of importance in the endorsements of the FOP groups without recognizing that they actually represent only a small percentage of officers. The endorsements of Martin and Massey carry far more weight with me. I know for a fact that Todd did not have to solicit either the support or endorsement of Lynn Dodenhoff, the mother of murder victim, Christine Sheddy. Ms. Dodenhoff has driven from Delaware on at least three ocassions to support Todd. She supports Todd because of the efforts he put forth in solving the murder of her daughter. Todd actually showed far more concern and compassion for the Sheddy family than many of the officers assigned to her investigation. Some of that shameful group now oppose the re-election of Todd.

  3. Anonymous4:05:00 PM

    I keep on hearing that the FOP endorsements represent only a small number of the members. Why don't the members who endorse Joel Todd get together then, and do a group letter to the editor for the newspapers? This would be the prudent thing to do. Commenting ANON on blogs isn't going to work.

  4. Anonymous4:29:00 PM

    Both candidates come off sounding like each others endorsements are a bad thing. Both an FOP endorsement and the Crime Victims endorsements are good, though I would like to see more personal stories on the victims facebook.

  5. Anonymous5:24:00 PM

    I've seen the Crime Victims facebook and it doens't seem to have much substance behind it, just a bunch of people who like it.
    I find it hard to believe that most of those people have had an experience with the county state's attorney's office. The ones who have should put their stories on the page to give it more meaning.

  6. Anonymous6:06:00 PM

    Just how much does the "experience" thing count for? When Joel Todd tried his first murder case he had exactly zero experience but he got through it, didn't he? When I started driving I had zero experience but got through it somehow. Does Todd have 25 years of experience or one year of experience 25 times? There is a difference.

  7. Anonymous7:44:00 PM

    Yes 6:06 that is a concern with me also. I am also of the understanding that Oglesby can bring in whom ever he feels is best to prosecute cases. If he himself has never tried a murder case he can hire his own team of experienced prosecutors.

  8. Anonymous8:05:00 PM

    Todd has experience and is not afraid to stand up to our police departments who each one thinks they have a 'law degree' and could do his job better. He's learning quickly that they think they are smarter then him!

    Todd has always had an open door policy and he returns phone calls.

    Best wishes Todd!

  9. Anonymous8:26:00 PM

    All I know about is the Open Door Policy for the Criminals and I want to know WHY?
    I wasn't born yesterday and I can not believe that each and every time an officer violated the defendant's rights or that a witness didn't show up. Sure that stuff does happens, but not always.
    There is a problem around here. Every single violent offender seeems to have been given a pass more than once.

  10. Anonymous8:38:00 PM

    I would love to hear from the family of murder victim Pamela Balk.

  11. Anon 8:26. That problem isn't just around's all across America.

  12. Anonymous5:21:00 PM

    Hey 4:05:00 PM. i would like to see a group letter to but that won't happen. The fact is, Oglesby is supported by the MAJORITY of police officers in Worcester. Todd's people try and make it sound like its just s few bad cops.

  13. Anonymous6:08:00 PM

    We know 5:21. It's just that it's getting boring hearing how it was just 9 officers or whatever who were even given the chance to vote, which I don't believe anyway.
    It was a challenge to them, that if they were dissatisfied with the endorsement, do something constructive about it instead of whining ANON on a blog.

  14. Anonymous10:21:00 PM

    Hey 5:21, of course the officers in this county want him gone!

    With Todd gone, they can get their dirty little hands on the drug money they get at a drug arrest.

    Probably the deal they each made to endorse Beau!

    Hopeful, that once in office, he'd actually make good and give the drug money to their departments.

    Don't put it past one of them to do that! Especially after everything I saw at McDermott's election day for Mayor.

    Ok, there I said it!

  15. Anon 10:21 What Is done with the drug money? And WHO is in charge to say where it goes?

  16. Anonymous1:39:00 AM

    I believe, but may be wrong about this one, that the States Attorney's office is in charge of that. Not certain, but do believe it goes to the Victim Witness office and some to new equipment for departments, too.

    Wonder if Todd would answer that question. I bet he would if you asked him!

  17. Anonymous8:43:00 AM

    The States Attorneys office doesn't get drug money. Its goes to the agency that seizes it. People just make stuff up on here??

  18. Anonymous9:02:00 AM

    I just got a Joel Todd mailer. It says "Since 2007, convictions resulted in $319,000 in cash forfeiture."
    It doesn't say where the money went, but wherever it went it's better than it still being in the dealers hands.

  19. Anonymous9:27:00 AM

    333, It's not Mr Soper giving the FOP endorsements a great deal of importance, it's Oglesby. Read the article. All Mr Soper is doing is quoting the 2 candidates throughout the article.

  20. Anonymous11:02:00 AM

    10:21 Are you saying the officers involved in drug arrests are going to keep the money?
    If that's what you are implying you are off the wall and totally crazy. You sound like some conspiracy nut!

    Ok There I said it!

  21. Anonymous11:12:00 AM

    10:21, what a desparate and pathetic attempt you have made to try and discredit Oglesby and the officers that support him.

  22. Anonymous6:58:00 PM

    Can we please have more victim's personal stories on the victim's Facebook? That would be a hugh help for us undecided. Most of us voters have never had to appear in court for any reason. Of course all we hear about is how shoddy the process tends to be for those other than the defendants. I am of the belief that those who complain are the loudest so I know there has to be some satified people out there.

  23. Anonymous7:40:00 PM

    My son appeared before Rick Bloxom for a ticket from Pocomoke PD for "failure to stop before crossing sidewalk after emerging from building", whatever that means. The States Attorney's office was prepared but the Pocomoke officer didn't come to court so it was dismissed. Yeah, I know, it doesn't have anything to do with Joel Todd but it was funny when it happened.

  24. Anonymous8:45:00 PM

    Yes it does have something to do with Joel Todd's office as they were prepared to prosecute, but the witness (the PC officer) didn't show up. So I guess this was Nolle Prossed? So this one can't be blamed on Todd's office.
    More stories please.

  25. Anon 7:40 I'm not sure what that is. Was he leaving a garage or something. Or was he walking?

    What a waste of everyones time. Looks like the officer that handed the ticket to your son would have faired better to explain what he did wrong and let it go with a verbal warning.

  26. Anonymous11:24:00 AM

    "as many as 400 CRIME VICTIMS have come out in support of Todd"

    How dare that Dispatch, Soper and Green! 400 CRIME VICTMS my foot! Boycott that darn newspaper for their misrepresentation that all those people are actually CRIME VICTIMS! I demand a correction!

  27. Anonymous12:04:00 PM

    For goodness sakes! Can't you people stop arguing for one second and listen to yourselves?? Who cares who said what? Stop being so picky about what people say. This does seem to be a problem with Ms. Dodenhoff. Do you think you need apologies all through life?

    The man printed an article, a darn good one. And some of you fools didn't like what was said about you little group! So what! Get over it and move on and stop trying so hard to make people believe what you believe.

    Besides, what are people supposed to think? She's been seen in Pocomoke a couple of times and how does the public know for sure that this wasn't a little scheme.

    I don't believe that Todd had anything to do with the Crime Victims group at all. But surely you must understand how others might not see it that way. It's a two way street and you need to allow people to pass..........

  28. Anonymous2:49:00 PM

    Totally agree with you 12:04! Who gives a rat's booty whether or not Todd solicited Dodenhoff for an endorsement. Talk about petty insignifcant BS.
    I checked out that facebook and all those people are not crime victims either. I know alot to them, and know for a fact they aren't crime victims so the public is being mislead by that 400 victims are supporting Todd.

  29. Anonymous4:12:00 PM

    I wonder why all the emphasis on just 4 murder trials when there is a million other things going on also? When you get right down to it these trials are only going to take up a very small percentage of the cases heard in the courts.

  30. Anonymous8:52:00 PM

    12:04 Todd did too have something to do with the crime victims facebook because he sent out a post asking his campaign facebook friends to go to the page and click like. This was back in September. Some of us did and now wished we hadn't because now we've been hearing the woman who started it is a total nutcase.


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