Tuesday, November 2, 2010

FREE Alaskan Cruise for Seniors

Social Security

For the first time in history, the Democratic Congress will not allow an increase in the social security COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment).  In fact, The Henry J.. Kaiser Family Foundation predicts there may not be any COLA for the next three (3) years.  However, the per person monthly Medicare insurance premium will be increased from the 2009 premium of $96.40 to $104.20 in 2010 and to $120.20 for the year 2011.  Congress also gave themselves a $3,000.00 a month Cost of Living Adjustment!

Hat Tip; Kack


  1. Anonymous10:09:00 PM

    Opposed to multiple Republican candidates that want to end social security and privatize it, forcing millions of people to not be able to afford it? Yeh them darn Democrats are so terrible.

  2. not all repubs want to "privatize it" only the ones that don't receive it


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