Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Oglesby, Mathias Hold Lead In Worcester County

SNOW HILL — Republican candidate for State’s Attorney, Beau Oglesby still holds the lead over democratic incumbent Joel Todd, after provisional ballot were counted in Worcester County today.

Although, Oglesby received 75 votes to Todd’s 86, he still maintains the lead with 10,505 votes, while Todd holds 10,409; a margin of 96.

In the State Senate race, Jim Mathias gained 97 votes and Michael James gained 67; leaving Mathias in the lead by a margin of 494 votes.

Two additional absentee counts have yet to take place to count an additional 171 ballots. The first will be held on Friday, followed by the final count on Nov. 22.


  1. Anonymous11:52:00 AM

    "Facebook is a place to network with friends and supporters. It's not a place to blast others. Something is deeply wrong with that person's supporters that they continue to do so after the votes are in. Very low class group of people."
    This from "John Schuler" one of Todd's very vocal supporters on Nov 3 at 12:28 on Todd's campaign Facebook.
    Now this made up John Schuler is doing exactly that on WBOC Facebook.
    These people just need to get over it. McDermott won by flying colors, so you can see your opinion means ZERO around here.

  2. Anonymous2:08:00 PM

    So 11:52 you are saying that "John Schuler" is not a real Facebook person? How silly!

    Hasn't he criticized so many other people himself? I don't understand who he is calling the "very low class of people".

  3. Anonymous3:17:00 PM

    John Schuler is absolutely a dummy Facebook account. He/she is calling the Oglesby supporters a very low class of people. The only low class of people were those who most likely ruined this election for Joel Todd by trying to make Oglesby look bad on that Salisbury blog.
    Several people had told me that when they went online trying to find out something about Oglesby and they came across that site, they were turned off totally and held it against Joel Todd.

  4. Anonymous6:56:00 PM

    Oh Yes 2:08 How silly! Joel for what ever reason aligned himself with people who those in Snow Hill and Pocomoke had a very low opinion of. REALLY those who know of Lynn Sheddy do not have a good opinion of her and to put it to you in plain English most people have never even heard of her! As for the Burkes, all they do is run their mouths with nothing whatsoever to back up all the lies they have told thoughout the years.

  5. Anonymous7:15:00 PM

    Hmmm interesting that Joel J Todd Facebook HAD a link to WBOC Facebook in which they wanted comments defending Joel. That is gone off his Facebook as is certain comments from people on WBOC.


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