Monday, December 6, 2010

Immigration Protesters Desecrated US Flag in Arizona

If this doesn't make you mad nothing will. Why didn't we see this on any of the news channels, news papers, any MSM?

I just now learned of this through an email from a friend. I then tried to research it for more information only to find that there's not more than a couple of paragraphs anywhere other than blogs. What a dadgum shame. 

This happened 4 months ago, have you heard anything about it?

This photo was taken at a rally at the state capitol yesterday. The news will not show it and the Capitol Police and Homeland Security would not let Americans or any of the Veterans that were there do anything about it.


My husband and his friends were threatened to be arrested and were told they would be booked under federal charges if they did anything. I am sending this to you so that you in turn can start Emailing it to every one on your list. It is totally uncalled for and people need to see it.
This is not about politics and rhetoric, it is about a direct threat to our country. Those of you that don't live in Arizona will maybe get a chance to see the other side of what the news is telling you. If this offends you great, then I have truly accomplished what I set out to do.

I understand that sometimes we don't see eye to eye on certain things, but that is the right our forefathers fought for. I am an American before I am anything else. For those of you who choose to dismiss this. If you believe that this is okay I believe you are a traitor to this country and everything it stands for.
I am not a racist and I am not a Nazi this has nothing to do with race, it has to do with respect to the country that is continually taking you in and turning a blind eye to your agenda.

Homeland Security was designed to identify and defend America from Terrorist acts yet yesterday it let illegal and legal citizens of this country desecrate the Flag.  People were spitting on it, stomping on it and burning it with cigarettes. One soldier who had just returned from Iraq tried to grab the flag and was thrown to the ground by the Capitol Police and Homeland Security.

It amazes me how many people will stand against the American People while all the while prospering from our system and our government. 

Watch and listen

Yes, indeed, the desecration to the American Flag you see in the picture above is illegal. Nobody was punished, however, and nobody will be. The crime of desecrating the American Flag is a federal crime, but the U.S. Government is not willing to enforce the immigration laws, so why would they be willing to prosecute people spray painting and walking on the American Flag who are doing so in support of the illegal aliens the federal government won't go after?

The thing to really consider is if that had been a Mexican flag being desecrated, there would have been an uproar in the press, and the offenders would have been fined and jailed.

No doubt in my mind. Capture The Flag

Hat Tip; Eric

1 comment:

  1. Gee, I'm pretty angy about this right now. That's MY flag. This is MY country. It angers me a great deal that people that have chosen to enter this great country illegally are allowed to do such a thing and that there ARE Americans that support them.

    This reminds me somewhat of what took place in the 70's. The times were much different and the protests were about the war. I saw with my own eyes the burning and spitting and stomping of the American flag. That type of thing was going on all across America on college campuses.

    The difference was back then, even during peaceful demonstrations, American citizens seen desecrating that great American flag were most times maced by the cops and hauled to jail.

    This will only continue and my guess it will get worse. So as TRUE American citizens I guess we should all go buy t-shits that say "slap me in the face daily, burn my flag. The government doesn't seem to mind".

    This week I plan to email this to every politician that I can find an email address for in the state of Virginia. And I will email it again the following week.

    These people and the fact that law enforcement did NOT/could NOT stop it is sickening.


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