Monday, December 27, 2010

Surf dog helps special needs kids fetch waves!

VIDEO: SURF DOG RICOCHET HELPS SPECIAL NEEDS KIDS FETCH WAVES:  As 2010 comes to a close, this video montage shows Ricochet's year of working with special needs kids, and people with disabilities in a non "traditional" SURFice dog kind of way! She thanks all the kids, people and organizations for allowing her to be part of their lives

$9000+ TOY DRIVE UPDATE:  Donations to Ricochet's Surfin' Santa Paws Toy drive continued to come in, even after delivery on December 22nd.  Final totals ended with $9045 in donations, and more than 3400 toys delivered to kids at Rady Children's Hospital, and to Helen Woodward Animal Center's dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, and birds... yes, Ricochet stopped chasing birds long enough to give them toys!  Ricochet sincerely thanks everyone for their donations and involvement... so do the animals, as you can see in this video...  

$5000 WHEELCHAIR DONATION:  Ricochet presented Tamandra Michaels, a woman with spina bifida a brand new $5000 wheelchair donated by the TiLite Wheelchair company (  Tamandra had been using a very dangerous chair she kept falling out of.  In fact, Ricochet used her old chair during toy delivery (Ricochet injured her foot a few days prior), and she fell out of it twice! Ricochet is very grateful to TiLIte for donating this amazing new chair!

Ricochet wishes everyone a healthy, prosperous, and happy New Year!!  For more info on the toy drive, the kids, people and organizations she works with, please visit

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