Friday, January 21, 2011

DiPino & Oglesby Attend "Governor's Forum on Security"

Ocean City Police Chief Bernadette DiPino and Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby attended Gov. Martin O’Malley’s “Governor’s Forum on Security” in Annapolis on Jan. 13.

As two of the Eastern Shore’s representatives, DiPino and Oglesby participated in identifying and building key partnerships with other regional leaders during breakout sessions. Participants reported their recommendations to the governor concerning the public safety and security needs of Lower Shore residents.

“I was asked by the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention to represent and facilitate the forum for the eastern region of the state. I was honored to be chosen. We discussed the direction of public safety. I was able to give my insight and opinions about various topics that impact Ocean City, including communication issues, better public safety cooperative initiatives and recommendations for new legislation including mandatory sentencing for repeat offenders. It was a privilege to be a part of this discussion,” DiPino said.

Working alongside DiPino, Oglesby discussed how the state plans to reduce crime in Maryland by 20 percent by the end of 2012. Strategies such as identifying high risk offenders and holding them accountable, enhancing warrant service to swiftly re- move violent of- fenders from the streets, maximizing the use of DNA samples to convict the guilty and exonerate the innocent, expanding efforts to reduce illegal gun use and possession and modernizing the fight against crime by utilizing the best technology avail- able were among the topics discussed.

Presentations included topics on Homeland Security, ad- vances in public safety technology and emergency management strategies.

As the state continues to reduce crime in Maryland, Oglesby said he looks forward to building new partnerships and seeking fresh, innovative ways that Worcester County can continue to be a leader in the fight against violent crime.


  1. Anonymous1:32:00 AM

    Glad to read this, but I ask, what is he going to do for Pocomoke?

    Bet he's waiting to see what happens here in our elections.

    Why has been done about the gang graffiti on the building across from Arby's?

  2. Anonymous12:54:00 PM

    I think it's most likely the responsiblity of the owner of the building 1:32am to remove the graffiti from it. I don't know what Beau Oglesby could do about it.
    On second thought I guess he could get a can of paint, take off his suit and put on painters pants, call in the press and use the opportunity as a photo op as he paints over the graffiti.


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