Monday, January 3, 2011

McDermott Looks Back On Being Mayor and Ahead Toward The Future

POCOMOKE CITY -- Mike McDermott has been busy since his election to the State House -- reflecting on his time as mayor, working on his transition to state delegate and planning for the upcoming legislative session.

"There is some sorrow in leaving the mayor's job," said McDermott, who was recently appointed to the Judiciary Committee in the House of Delegates.

Since taking office as mayor in 2005, McDermott said several accomplishments have helped move Pocomoke City into the 21st century and prepare it for the future.

When he took office, McDermott said the Delmarva Discovery Center was a dirt floor in a disheveled building and the Mar-Va theater didn't exist. Both buildings are now operating as downtown attractions.

Other advancements, such as industrial and technological expansion, have helped to improve the outlook for long-term economic development, McDermott said.

He cites working with Worcester County to assess how and where Pocomoke City should grow, in addition to updating the zoning code, as significant contributions.

"Since I have been mayor, the development along the Route 13 corridor has really taken off," McDermott said. "We didn't have much going on in the industrial areas, so for me, seeing the completion of some of these long-term projects has been a great experience."

Looking forward

Although he has not yet been sworn in, McDermott has been preparing for the Jan. 12 event by speaking with Delegate Norm Conway and state Sen.-elect Jim Mathias about pertinent issues as well as embarking on a bus trip around Maryland with other freshman delegates and senators.

Among the issues he hopes to take up are allowing nonprofit organizations in Worcester County to use slot machines as a fundraising tool; addressing the future of the Liquor Control Board; reducing harassment of poultry farmers; and strengthening sex offender punishments.

"For the first year, I am going to focus on learning, listening and observing the way things are done," McDermott said. "But I won't hesitate to offer anything that needs to be offered in the best interest of this area."

Once sworn in, McDermott will no longer serve as mayor. Robert Hawkins is scheduled to take over until the local election in April.

"I can't imagine what it will feel like to take my seat with other delegates and occupy my place in history," McDermott said. "People have put trust into me to represent them, and in our form of government, there is no higher trust."


  1. Anonymous9:47:00 AM

    Oh please do, take credit for the Discovery center and Marva Theater!! Anything else you'd like to take credit for? There were both doing fact Marva had been raising funds for years, thanks to Mr. Lippoldt. You lost a lot for this town, couldn't even handle the contest for the "Friendliest Town" and if you can't handle that - well guess what Mr., um, Mr. um, McDermott, better scratch your head on this one, you won't be anything but a one term delegate. This was only way they could get you out of town.That was what you wanted from the start after all thats what the local Good ole' boys club knew you wanted so they helped you get Mayor. You kept going the same things Butler did and were NO better then him for our town.

    Tisk, tisk. Some kind of minister.

    Don't you remember your Bible? Exodus 23:8 "And you shall not take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of the just." Remember that one?

    That's just what you did. Yep, i remember the $$$ you got and from who.

    Oh, and gambling now mr mayor, mr minister or whatever you call yourself, don't get me started there. Giving $$$ to a nonprofit from gambling monies? Are you kidding? Cause you aint kidding us. (You do realize that one right?)

    You better go back to reading your Bible.

  2. Anonymous9:59:00 AM

    As far as moving into the 21st century, how did you do that one?

    haha, that's a joke. this town?

    The ONLY THING you did was bury your head in the sand when it comes to CRIME and GANGS.

  3. Anonymous10:03:00 AM

    there is no higher trust?

    you think so?

    Oh shucks, mr mayor, you know God hates it when those demigods think they are better then him.

  4. Anonymous10:06:00 AM

    my trust is not in politicians.

    thats not what the Bible tells us.

    that rhetoric is old and tiredsome.

  5. Anonymous2:42:00 PM

    This from a man that denies the man tha raised him. This from a man whose wife didn't want him in politics in the first place, and this from a man who tells his wife to shut up if he doesn't like what she has to say in front of guests.
    Ever wonder why she doesn't talk much? She's afraid to.
    Now the county is going to pay him his full time salary as a cop so he can work on weekends when he comes home from Annapolis and drive around and pass out code citations.
    What a joke!
    I agree with the earlier commenter. Go back and read your Bible.


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