Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Parents Made Teenage Son Wear Sign As Punishment

(Tampa Bay, Florida) James Mond, 15, was forced by his mother to wear a sign for getting bad grades and was also made to stand on a street corner. His mother defended her actions and said both her, and James’' father had tried everything but nothing worked, so they thought about this way to knock some sense in to their son about the importance of good grades in school.
The eighth grader had been getting low grades and he offered different excuses for his bad performance.

When James got a F in physical education, then it was obvious that his parents needed to do something about it. His father - Mond Jr. 33, who is a landscaper, had a meeting at his son's school with a guidance counselor, a teacher and the vice principal.

He just sat there looking up at the roof like he wasn't listening,"  Mond said.

Ronda Holder, 33, finally decided to make him hold a sign saying, "I DID 4 Questions on my F-Cat AND Said I Wasn't Going to Do it!. GPA 1.22...honk if I need education."

According to Holder, her son wasn't tested for learning disability and said that he was doing well in school and his grades were fine up until the seventh  grade. " I should have  been working harder
than I was in school", said James, who now understands why his mother made him wear that sign.

Some child care experts say that this punishment might be considered as maltreatment and it wasn't a proper approach to make him improve his educational performance.  It definitely would fall with the category of emotional abuse. This will be a lifelong memory for him." said Arlinda Amos, a psychologist in Hillsborough Children's Board.

However, his mother insists that what she did was all about her child's education because she didn't want him to end up on the streets.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:35:00 PM

    Good for her! What do the Children's Board want the student to have the lifelong memory of failing or dropping out of school? Good for this Parent for standing up and showing she values an education!


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