Thursday, March 17, 2011

Con. Scott Rigell Opposes New Budget Extension

The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Tuesday to pass a measure to keep the government operating for three more weeks. The continuing resolution gave house members more time to negotiate a permanent budget.

Voting against the continuing resolution was Eastern Shore Congressman Scott Rigell. According to an article in the Virginian Pilot Rigell who supported a previous resolution said he opposed the new budget extension for two reasons. The government fiscal crisis is too important to put off, and he was hearing from military leaders that the short term budgets were hurting the militarys ability to make long-term plans to prepare and procure what it needs. Rigell said, The time is truly precious.

Prospects for an agreement are uncertain due to the insistence by House Republicans that any final agreement mixing steep spending cuts with various provisions including banning federal funding for Planned Parenthood and striking funds from Obama Care.

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