Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Little More Pocomoke History

Do you remember Dr. Hall?

How about W. H. Clarke & Co. Druggist?

While I was digging through some of my junk I came across this old bottle that I had long forgotten about. We found the bottle in this old house while cleaning up after we bought the house.


The medicine bottle is still about 1/2 full of it's original contents. It smells like a hybrid concoction of maybe 12% Vicks, 8% Robitussin and 80% 90 proof moonshine, yeah that's about right.

All and all it's in pretty good shape for it's age, the label is still very legible even through all the grime and 53 years of collecting dust.

The label that is still attached firmly to the bottle clearly says as follows;
155-969                4-12-58 

Grady Powell

One (1) Teaspoon full in water Three Times A Day

Dr. Hall

W. H. Clarke & Co.

Phone 124                   Reg. No. 8141

Pocomoke City                    Maryland




  1. Anonymous9:41:00 PM

    Clarke's Drug Store was on Market Street next to the Pocomoke Pharmacy. Although competitors, they were still friendly and cooperative with each other. For example they took turns being open on Sundays so patrons could get medicine if needed when most stores were closed.

    Dr. Norman Sartorious the elder had an office on the other block of Market Street and did not believe in pharmacies. When you went to see him, no matter what your problem, he would trudge up to the third floor, rummage around and return with a bottle of pale red liquid. The instructions, handwritten on the label, were always the same, "Take one teaspoon in a wine glass of water three times a day." If you engaged in casual conversation with him on the street and happened to mention a personal ailment you would soon receive a bill from him for $5 for "consultation".

  2. I'll be that what is in that medicine bottle when purchased in 1958 is more effective or just as effective as any medication today.

    All this is very interesting. I remember Dr. Sartorius and what you say about a consultation fee is probably right.

  3. Anonymous10:37:00 PM

    jmmb, there is NO WAY you can be as old as I am.

  4. I also remember Clarke's Drug Store, that was the very first place that I saw ceiling fans. I also remember how good the ice-cream was there, aaaaah and the fountain Cokes

    My mother used to take me there instead of the Dr

    I also remember Dr Sartorious and his Cadillac that he couldn't maneuver very well. LOL

  5. Well, 10:37 that depends on how OLD you are! And I'm not giving my age away until you do.

    I do remember Clarks Drug Store. The doors were wooden and glass paned, I think. They had a soda fountain and a second floor.

    And I do remember Doc Sartorius. Did you know that the building that he once had his office in is haunted? My sister and kept a display of soldiers deployed in Operation Desert Storm and I would be in that building sometimes alone and would hear doors close. My encounters were enough to laugh it off but a story or two I've heard are eerie.
    There is alot I remember about Pocomoke.

  6. Anonymous11:38:00 PM

    I remember Doc Sartorius had his office on the 2nd floor and when he went up to the 3rd the floors creaked like the dickens. And I DO know how old you are and it's not as old as ole Slim Pickens.

  7. Well, I'm not as old as I will be in about another 4-5 minutes!


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