Thursday, March 31, 2011

PRESS RELEASE - March 28, 2011

Trans-Gender, Cross Dressing Bill HB-235
Delegate Mike McDermott Press Release 

Contact: Katlyn Schmitt                                      March 28th, 2011
              240-320-7711 (Cell)
              410-841-3431 (Office)


(ANNAPOLIS) -- “The 86 Delegates who voted for HB-235 should be required to respond to questions from children who may become confused about the gender of their teachers… and questions from parents who feel that their children have been thrown into the adult world” stated Delegate Mike McDermott (R-District 38B) in response to HB-235, Human  Relations – Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity – Antidiscrimination.  HB-235 passed in the House on Saturday with a vote of 86-52 and mainly outlaws discrimination against an individuals gender-related identity regardless of their actual sex at birth. It has been referred to as a bill protecting “cross-dressers” and “trans-genders”.

“It is extremely unfortunate that HB-235 passed.  This bill has many negative consequences for our struggling business community which the 86 Delegates who voted for the bill have failed to consider” stated Delegate McDermott.

“As a society, we need to consider the cost of putting our children in a situation where they grow up too abruptly and are confronted with situations that are far beyond their maturity… all in the name of being politically correct” responded Delegate McDermott.

“It is sad that some leaders would want to tear down the barriers that have always been present to protect our children. Society has long established two sacred sanctuaries for innocent children: the mother’s womb and the classroom for the young. One has been torn down and the other is in the process of being torn with the passage of HB-235” continued Delegate McDermott.

“We're dealing with folks who don’t have a compass… they're not sure which direction points up” said Delegate McDermott on the House floor this past Saturday.  The bill and its amendments will be heard in the Senate Judicial Proceeding Committee before being voted on in the Senate.

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